Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • The changes of water resources in Belarus 

      Volchak, Alexander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey (LIBRON, 2016)
      The total water resources in Belarus have not changed during last years. However, the redistri- bution of water resources for the basins of main rivers is specified. There was an increasing of runoff for the Pripyat and Western Dvina rivers, and a decreasing of runoff for the other rivers in ...


    • The climate change impact on the hydrological regime of the rivers in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Sidak, Svetlana Vasilievna; Parfomuk, Sergei Ivanovich; Sheshko, Nikolai Nikolaevich (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The article evaluates the changes in the parameters of the annual runoff, the maximum spring flood runoff and the main runoff-forming factors for the period 1988-2018 in relation to the period 1949-1987. The observed over the past decades climatic changes significantly change the situation of the ...


    • The collapse of the american system of capitalism: what should we expect? 

      Kievich A. V. (БрГТУ, 2020)
      The article substantiates the statement that even last year we were absolutely sure that the next global crisis would occur in 2020. But it was not clear only what would become his trigger. But it is even more interesting for us now to understand: how to get out of this crisis?


    • The color images of infected crop field processing algorithm 

      Doudkin, A. A.; Inyutin, A. V.; Vatkin, M. E. (BrSTU, 2005)
      Doudkin, A. A. The color images of infected crop field processing algorithm / A. A. Doudkin, A. V. Inyutin, M. E. Vatkin // Modern problems of mathematics and computer engineering: materials of the IV Republican scientific conference of young scientists and students, Brest, November 28–30, 2005 / ...


    • The concept and aspects of the functioning of a sustainable supply chain 

      Бережная, Галина Геннадьевна (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article presents the term "sustainable" in the context of the supply chain, the concept and structure of the supply chain. The description of the international standard ISO 26000 is given, which systematizes the knowledge about broadly defined corporate social responsibility (CSR). The essence of ...


    • The concept of authenticity in tourism 

      Majewski, J. (БрГТУ, 2007)
      Majewski, J. The concept of authenticity in tourism / J. Majewski // Системная трансформация общества: исторический опыт, современность и перспективы : сборник научных трудов кафедр социально-гуманитарных наук / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический ...


    • The concept ofa learning organizationin the integration management systems 

      Wyrębek, Henryk (Альтернатива, 2013)
      Wyrębek, H. The concept ofa learning organizationin the integration management systems / H. Wyrębek // Перспективы инновационного развития Республики Беларусь : сборник научных статей IV Международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 25–26 апреля 2013 года / Министерство образования Республики ...


    • The connotation and mechanism of regional green development 

      Zoryna, Tatyana Gennadievna; Liu Xueyao (БрГТУ, 2024)
      The definition and connotation of green development are developed based on the concepts related to green development in the existing literatures. And a regional green development promotion mechanism is formulated, in which the control subsystem including national and regional policy exerts influences ...


    • The contribution of climatic and anthropogenic factors to changes in the runoff of plain rivers 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Makhmudova, Lyazzat; Zharylkassyn, Adilet; Kanatuly, Alilet; Zhulkainarova, Madina (BrSTU, 2022)
      The changes in the annual runoff of plain rivers are estimated on the method that based on the restoration of the natural runoff of the last decades, during which significant anthropogenic changes took place. For these purposes, we used data on the runoff of rivers (tributaries of the considered rivers ...


    • The contribution of computer science to linguistics and terminology 

      Войтович, Кристина Александровна (БрГУ им. А. С. Пушкина, 2017)
      В статье показывается влияние интенсивного развития информационных технологий на исследования в области лингвистики и терминологии. Представлены примеры использования информационных разработок в корпусной, коммуникативной лингвистике; показан вклад компьютерных технологий в методологию и практическую ...


    • The criterion of arising motion conflict of unmanned vehicles during implementing transportation plan in intelligent urban passenger transportation system 

      Shviatsova, O. V.; Shuts, V. M. (Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2020)
      The proposed article is devoted to the description of an intelligent urban passenger transport system based on unmanned electric vehicles, sequentially moving along a separate line. This system is a passenger transport system of a new urban mobility, formed under the influence of social conditions ...


    • The cure for civiliter mortuus: conplementar values of phenomenology and democracy 

      Briedis, M. (БрГТУ, 2008)
      Briedis, M. The cure for civiliter mortuus: conplementar values of phenomenology and democracy / M. Briedis // Системная трансформация общества: исторический опыт, современность и перспективы : сборник научных трудов кафедр социально-гуманитарных наук / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, ...


    • The development of accounting of financial in a part of passive income 

      Sushko, V. A. (БрГТУ, 2014)
      Sushko, V. A. The development of accounting of financial in a part of passive income / V. A. Sushko ; науч. рук. I. I. Shapeha // Студенческая научная зима в Бресте – 2014 : сборник научных работ студентов и магистрантов Девятого Международного студенческого научного форума региональных университетов, ...


    • The development of state-private partnership in Brest and Brest region 

      Будурян, Татьяна Алексеевна; Довыденко, Наталья Александровна (ЖДТУ, 2015)
      State-private partnership (SPP) involves cooperation between private, mainly industrial companies, and state organizations for the common scientific or technical activity. Such partnership enables the creation of innovative systems corresponding to the global economic development trends and ensuring ...


    • The educational factors, which support small and medium enterprises in the process of system transformation 

      Kowalewski, Tadeusz (БрГТУ, 2005)
      Kowalewski, T. The educational factors, which support small and medium enterprises in the process of system transformation / T. Kowalewski // Славянские страны в условиях системной трансформации и европейской интеграции : сборник научных трудов кафедр социально-гуманитарных наук / Министерство образования ...


    • The entrepreneurship and financial literacy: distant learning course development and piloting under the framework of ERASMUS PLUS BELL project 

      Pavlysh, Eduard; Salakhava, Yuliya (БрГТУ, 2020)
      Pavlysh, E. The entrepreneurship and financial literacy: distant learning course development and piloting under the framework of ERASMUS PLUS BELL project / E. Pavlysh, Y. Salakhava // Enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus = Совершенствование непрерывного образования в Республике Беларусь : ...


    • The essence of innovation and its impact on economic growth 

      Каримова, А. А. (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Каримова, А. А. The essence of innovation and its impact on economic growth / А. А. Каримова ; науч. рук. З. А. Сагдиллаева // Студенческая научная зима в Бресте – 2021 : сборник научных работ студентов и магистрантов XV Международного студенческого научного форума / Министерство образования Республики ...


    • The Essence of the Credit Risk Management in Commercial Bank 

      Wójcik-Mazur, Agnieszka (БрГТУ, 2006)
      Wójcik-Mazur, A. The Essence of the Credit Risk Management in Commercial Bank / Agnieszka Wójcik-Mazur // Повышение эффективности интегрированного управления на предприятиях Центральной и Восточной Европы : [коллективная монография] / Брестский государственный технический университет, Ченстоховский ...


    • The family club activities for organizing a social partnership of the pre-school educational institution and the family 

      Latipov, Zagir A.; Bykova, Svetlana S.; Zhigalova, Maria P. (Akpar Sanayi, 2016)
      The urgency of the theme is caused by the need for interaction between the family and the preschool educational organization towards a fully and harmoniously developed personality. Of all the forms of cooperation of educational organizations and families, the most relevant is a social partnership, ...


    • The human aspect of the architecture of Zaha Hadid 

      Войтович, Кристина Александровна; Хайдар Рабиа (БрГУ им. А. С. Пушкина, 2017)
      В статье раскрываются особенности архитектурных работ и стиля Захи Хадид, известного ирако-британского архитектора и дизайнера, представительницы деконструктивизма, лауреата Притцкеровской премии. Представлен анализ характерных черт стиля с точки зрения восприятия архитектуры человеком и реализации ...
