20–21 апреля 2017 г.: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 204
Результаты трибокоррозионных и электрохимических испытаний образцов быстрорежущей стали с защитными вакуумно-плазменными покрытиями
(БрГТУ, 2017)The research tasks are: obtaining and chemical analysis of products of dry thermal destruction of wood, as well as experimental studies of tribocorrosion 328 resistance of high-speed steel specimens with deposited multicomponent (Al, Ti, Cu) nanostructured coatings. It is concluded that it is advisable ...2021-03-11
Отработанные растворы травления черных металлов как сырьевой ресурс для производства пигментов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The results of the analysis of composition of the spent solutions of ferrous metals etching are presented in the article. The analysis shows that this waste can be considered as raw materials for production of pigments.2021-03-11
Утилизация никеля из отработанных электролитов электрохимического никелирования
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article shows a possibility of nickel recovery from spent nickel electrolytes by precipitation with sodium hydroxide. The obtained hydroxide and nickel oxide can be used in various industries.2021-03-11
Перспективы утилизации тепла сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article reflects prospects and ways to use heat from wastewater. It also outlines main aspects of introducing low-potential heat sources into modern heating systems.2021-03-11
Эффективность работы центрального кондиционера в тёплый период года
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article shows the efficiency of а central air conditioner in warm season.2021-03-11
Энергоресурсоэффективное устройство тепловой вентиляции здания с технологическим чердаком с использованием вторичных и природных энергоисточников
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents a diagram of a heat ventilation system. The system is designed to supply an air flow inside buildings with the function of heating it with the use of secondary and natural energy resources to minimize energy consumption from external sources of buildings’ heat supply.2021-03-11
Особенности формирования сшитой структуры полиэтилена, содержащего неозон D, при его контактном окислении на цинке
(БрГТУ, 2017)In work presented polyethylene oxidation processes and the formation of its cross-linked fraction at his contact oxidation on zinc.2021-03-11
Исследование влияния относительной площади остекления на теплофизические характеристики оболочки здания
(БрГТУ, 2017)The analysis of the dependence of the thermophysical characteristics of buildings on the glazing area and thermal resistances of bearing and translucent structures is presented.2021-03-11
Получение сорбентов для очистки сточных вод из цеолитсодержащих отходов
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article contains information about the methods of chemical activation of spent zeolite-containing catalyst. The principle diagram of spent catalyst’s acid activation and use for waste water treatment from heavy metals has been developed.2021-03-11
Влияние примесей железа на свойства пигментов, полученных из отработанных электролитов цинкования
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article shows a possibility to obtain pigments out of spent electrolytes from galvanic production. The influence of Fe3+ and Fe2+ on whiteness of pigments is studied.2021-03-11
Эколого-таксономические особенности бриофлоры сосновых сообществ Сухопольского лесничества
(БрГТУ, 2017)In this work, first shown the results of ecological-taxonomic analysis of bryophytes pine stands in mossy pine forests and blueberry Suhodolskaja forestry, which complements the characteristic plant communities of the region. Was 12 species of the class Bryopsida and Marchantiopsida. The most widely ...2021-03-11
Использование полимеров при переработке глиносодержащих отходов калийного производства
(БрГТУ, 2017)Salt solutions properties of polyacrylamide polymers were investigate in this study. It is shown, that polyacrylamide polymers can be used as flocculants in the dehydration clay-salt slurries process in the potash production.2021-03-11
Воздухонагреватель бытовой газовой плиты для тепловоздухоснабжения кухонь жилых зданий повышенной теплозащиты и гермитичности наружных ограждений
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents a heat exchanger that allows more efficient use of heat from gas combustion for heating and supplying fresh outdoor air to ventilated kitchens to ensure optimum technological gas combustion and controlled air exchange in terms of microclimate comfort with a possibility of their ...2021-03-11
Обработка препаратом «Биопаг» диффузионного сока производства свекловичного сахара
(БрГТУ, 2017)For for the processing of diffusion juice of sugar beet production used the drug "Biopag", which contains polyhexamethyleneguanidine chloride. Dynamics of changes in pH, clarification and the numbers of bacteria and yeast suggests the suppression of fermentation processes making the drug at a concentration ...2021-03-11
Изменение качественного состава речной воды после обработки дезинфицирующим средством «Биопаг»
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article presents research of the influence of "Biopag" disinfectant on physical-chemical properties of river water. It also studies toxicity of the disinfectant by means of bioassay.2021-03-11
Экономическое сравнение вариантов систем центрального кондиционирования торгового центра
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article presents economic comparison of various systems of airconditioning at a shopping center.2021-03-11
Управление организации бобровых поселений
(БрГТУ, 2017)The purpose of the work is to identify factors that contribute to a high growth in the number of beavers. This allows substantiating methods to reduce their negative impact on water construction. The paper presents an installation to regulate the number of beavers on reclamation canals. Its efficiency ...2021-03-11
Использование водных ресурсов Беларуси промышленностью
(БрГТУ, 2017)The work considers the use of water resources in Belarus industries. The analysis of temporal variability of the use of water resources in various industries is performed. The assessment is made on the overall water intake indicator, both in the Republic of Belarus as a whole and each region individually.2021-03-11
Определение параметров насадка для кавитационного обеззараживания воды
(БрГТУ, 2017)One of modern methods of water purification is its cleaning with cavitation.2021-03-11
Использование отработанных ионообменных смол в процессах водоподготовки
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article analyses chemical composition of natural waters in the Republic of Belarus. It demonstrates a possibility to apply iron complexes with humic substances of worked out ion-exchange pitches (kationit, anionit and their mixes) to purify natural waters.2021-03-11