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20–21 апреля 2017 г.: Недавние поступления
Отображаемые элементы 161-180 из 204
Анализ индексов неустойчивости атмосферы в дни с грозами над территорией Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2017)The results of the use of convective instability indexes used in the practice of Hydrometeorological center of the Republic of Belarus are presented. The most successful convective instability indexes are received for the summer of 2016. The results of the research showed that the forecast of convective ...2021-03-11
Экологический каркас территории рекреационных зон урбанизированных территорий г. Курска
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article deals with the main landscape functional zones of Kursk and their location. The analysis of the prosperity of Kursk with the elements of landsca pe functional zones was carried out.2021-03-11
Закономерности распространения лесов на возвышенных ландшафтах Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2017)The paper concentrates on definition of ecological status of sublime landscapes of Belarus depending on their systematic position – the relationship to the genera and subgenera of landscapes.2021-03-11
Ментальное восприятие системы ландшафтно-рекреационных территорий города Бреста его жителями
(БрГТУ, 2017)In this article, landscape-recreational territories (LRT) of the city of Brest are considered. The method for research of LRT is offered. On the basis of theoretical material, a mental image of citizens’ perception of the LRT as a whole and their individual parts was created. The results of the study ...2021-03-11
Мониторинг видов земель Витебской области (на примере Сенненского района)
(БрГТУ, 2017)At present, adoption of effective managerial decisions is impossible without accurate scientific evidence of the quality of land and changes occurring in them. A source of such data is land monitoring.2021-03-11
Сапропелевые ресурсы Волынской области Украины
(БрГТУ, 2017)The work presents some research materials about sapropel resources in Volyn region, including the level of its study. Emphasis is given to the distribution of reserves of sapropel by administrative districts. It is noted that this type of resource is important for agriculture, industry and medicine, ...2021-03-11
Учебно-дидактические игры как эффективное средство интерактивного обучения на уроках географии
(БрГТУ, 2017)The teacher of the future should have several professional and personal competencies, work in the modern informative environment. Modern school`s education should be based on two-way process of mastering new knowledge and skills. This didactics` type of teaching is characterized as innovative. There ...2021-03-11
Система усвоения метеорологических данных в модель WRF-ARW в гидромете Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article presents materials on the mesoscale numerical forecast system for the territory of the Republic of Belarus based on WRF-ARW model in Hydromet. Since 2016 the employees of numerical weather prediction department (Hydromet) started to implement three-dimensional system of meteorological ...2021-03-11
Влияние ионов Pb2+ и Сd2+ на активность антиоксидантных ферментов проростков озимой тритикале
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes the influence of ions of lead and cadmium on the enzymatic activity of peroxidase and catalase of germs of winter triticale in multielemental contamination.2021-03-11
Морфометрические особенности рельефа Брестской и Малоритской водно-ледниковых равнин
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is devoted to peculiarities in morphometry, quantitative indicators of the relief of Brestskaya and Maloritskaya water-glacial plains. The article makes a small comparative analysis of these plains.2021-03-11
Гипергенное изменение магматических горных пород в условиях городской среды (на примере г. Барановичи)
(БрГТУ, 2017)The scientific work shows some features of hypergene change of igneous rock in an urban environment. Particular ways of its influence on the composition, structural and textural features, and properties of rock types are described on the example of Baranovichi city.2021-03-11
Морфометрические особенности рельефа Логишиснкой и Люсиновской водно-ледниковых равнин
(БрГТУ, 2017)This article is devoted to peculiarities in morphometry, quantitative indicators of the relief of Logishinskaya and Lusinovskaya water-glacial plains. The article makes a small comparative analysis of these plains.2021-03-11
Pilot chironomid study in late glacial and holocene lake Sediments of Lithuania
(БрГТУ, 2017)Впервые в Литве были проведены исследования хирономид в отложениях палеоозера, рассположенного в северной части Литвы. Исследованный разрез включает отложения Голоцена и Познеледникового время. Изменение состава таксонов по разрезу показали колебания температурного режима и палеогеографических условий.2021-03-11
Изучение влияния морфометрических показателей на влажность почв
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers a possibility of using digital elevation models to calculate morphometric parameters in order to specify the data that depend on topography of soil moisture. Correlation analysis of influence of morphometric characteristics on soil moisture was carried out on the basis of GRID-models ...2021-03-11
Разработка тематического атласа «Водные ресурсы Брестской области»
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article is supposed to give a theoretical basis for atlas mapping, for example, the design of thematic Atlas "Water resources of Brest region".2021-03-11
Изучение и анализ рельефа с помощью ГИС-технологий
(БрГТУ, 2017)The paper concentrates on evaluation of the territory of Dobrush district (Gomel region) according to the parameter of surface roughness, which is directly proportional to the erosion hazard of areas.2021-03-11
Shale and organic carbon content variations in the Lower Silurian succession in the central part of Baltic Silurian Basin (Western Lithuania)
(БрГТУ, 2017)В этом докладе анализируются тенденции распределения глинистого материала и органического углерода в нижнесилурийских породах. Для исследования было выбрано 6 скважин в Западной Литве. при помощи программы "GeoGraphix” были виведения кривые распределения глинистого 6 материяла разрезах скважин и сделанa ...2021-03-11
Влияние цинка и его соединений на термоокислительную стойкость полиэтилена, содержащего фенольный антиоксидант
(БрГТУ, 2017)This paper studies the effect of zinc on thermo-oxidative endurance of a polyethylene film inhibited by a phenolic antioxidant. The research is done for the components that mutually reinforce each other's action and achieve synergistic effects. This is necessary to maintain and preserve properties of ...2021-03-11
Подходы к оценке эколого-хозяйственного баланса земель Дрогичинского района
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article describes the results of the evaluation of ecological-economic balance of the lands of the Drogichin district.2021-03-11
Трение как источник теплоты
(БрГТУ, 2017)The article considers a frictional force as a source of low-potential energy. It also outlines the laws describing release of heat from frictional force. Some special aspects of this energy conversion are highlighted. Formulas are given. As an example, some possible versions of this effect in reality ...2021-03-11