Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution intensive industries 

      Zoryna, Tatiana Gennadevna; Xueyao Liu (BrSTU, 2022)
      The paper has verified the hypotheses and theories about the location selection of pollution-intensive industries from various perspectives and explored possible factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution-intensive industries. Based on the pollution intensity index of each industry, ...


    • Regional economic integration as a means of implementing the sustainable development goals 

      Зазерская, Виктория Васильевна; Бунько, Светлана Александровна (BrSTU, 2022)
      The development of economic cooperation and integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus can greatly contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A critical analysis of globalization and localization processes, taking into account external ...


    • Marketing technologies in political management 

      Viktorovich, Evgeny Sergeevich (BrSTU, 2022)
      Abstract Active reflection on the wide possibilities of information as institutions of political communication is due to the fact that in the conditions of global informatization of modern society, the place and role of the media in the system of socio-political relations. The author examines the ...


    • Scientific-theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept "sports service" in modern socio-economic conditions 

      Skvoroda, Elena Valerievna (BrSTU, 2022)
      Based on the analysis of native and foreign literary sources the author reveals different approaches to the definition of "sports service" and its distinguishing features from similar concepts "physical education and sports service", "sports and fitness service", "fitness and recreational service". ...


    • Development of the digital economy in the context of the sanctions war 

      Prarouski, Andrey Gennadievich (BrSTU, 2022)
      Consumer behavior has changed significantly at the present time. The paper examines the development of the digital economy in the context of a pandemic and a sanctions war. The digital economy is capable of both accelerating the recovery of the global economy in the post-pandemic period, and neutralizing ...


    • The role of professional ethics and internal audit in the disclosure of information about the enterprise 

      Potapova, Natalya Vasilievna; Priymachuk, Irina Vasilievna (BrSTU, 2022)
      The issue of disclosure continues to be a challenge for users of financial and non-financial reporting and the accounting standards community. Financial disclosure standards aim to improve the qualitative characteristics, comparability, verifiability, timeliness and understandability of financial ...


    • Principles of «seamless» technologies in transport logistics 

      Pilgun, Tatyana Vladimirovna (BrSTU, 2022)
      An urgent problem in transport and logistics systems for the delivery of goods is long delays in cargo at terminals. In modern conditions of digital transformation of business processes, the strategic task of the transport industry is the implementation of «seamless» technologies. The goal of «seamless ...


    • Improving the system of grouping direct and indirect costs of the estimated cost of construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

      Khassen, Arman (BrSTU, 2022)
      The article describes the system of estimated standards that exists in the EAEU countries. The author proposes new approaches to the grouping of items of direct and indirect costs included in the estimated cost of construction. The elements of costs, cost items, articles of estimated cost, which ...


    • Аssessment of life cycle costs of public buildings of socio-cultural purpose 

      Holubava, Olga Sergeevna (BrSTU, 2022)
      The paper presents the results of calculating the life cycle costs for eleven public buildings of social and cultural purposes: kindergartens, schools, clinics. A brief analysis of the obtained data is carried out, the structure of life cycle costs is considered, conclusions are drawn that reveal the ...


    • Theoretical approaches to the study of regional competitiveness 

      Flyachinskaya, Natalia Nikolaevna (BrSTU, 2022)
      Theoretical approaches to revealing the content of the region's competitiveness are outlined, summarized and analyzed. Interpretations of the concept of competitiveness of the region by groups are ordered. The signs of the competitiveness of the region as a system are given. The author's interpretation ...


    • Organizational and economic support for the application of state support measures for investment projects in the region 

      Druzhynina, Evgenia Olegovna (BrSTU, 2022)
      The article discusses the issues of increasing the validity of the application of measures of state support for investment projects by management bodies. The importance of making decisions on the provision of benefits in the implementation of investment projects, taking into account the criterion of ...


    • Rivers’ hydrological characteristics of the National Park «Bialowieza Forest» 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Savich-Shemet, Oksana Grigorievna; Sheshko, Nikolai Nikolaevich; Parfomuk, Sergei Ivanovich; Shpendik, Natalia Nikolaevna; Дашкевич, Денис Николаевич; Sidak, Svetlana Vasilievna; Kukharevich, Mikhail Fedorovich (BrSTU, 2022)
      The article presents analysis of modern hydrological characteristics of the of Bialowieza Forest rivers’ during the period of instrumental observations and provides a water regime’s forecast assessment of the research territory. The database of Bialowieza Forest rivers’ hydrological characteristics ...


    • Аssessment of the Krasnaya Sloboda fish farm impact on the Moroch river runoff 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Parfomuk, Sergei Ivanovich; Sheshko, Nikolai Nikolaevich; Shpendik, Natalia Nikolaevna; Дашкевич, Денис Николаевич; Sidak, Svetlana Vasilievna; Kukharevich, Mikhail Fedorovich (BrSTU, 2022)
      A comprehensive assessment of the impact of the Krasnaya Sloboda fish farm on the hydrological regime of the Moroch River in the calculated areas was carried out. The following methods were used in the work: field research, desk data processing, geographical analysis, statistical analysis, regression ...


    • Spatial and temporal variability of the surface river runoff in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Parfomuk, Sergei Ivanovich; Sidak, Svetlana Vasilievna (BrSTU, 2022)
      An assessment of changes in the surface river runoff of Belarus in modern conditions is given. Significant negative trends were found for the series of the percentage of surface runoff in the total volume of annual runoff for the period 1948−2017. The greatest decrease in surface runoff is observed ...


    • Approaches to estimate the socio-economic risks caused by the river flood 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Kostiuk, Dmitriy; Petrov, Dmitriy; Sheshko, Nikolay Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2022)
      The issues of forecasting damage caused by flooding of anthropogenically transformed territories in a river floodplain of a plain type are considered based on the case of the floodplain of the Pripyat River. A method of spatial analysis of the level of the territory usage and the depth/duration of ...


    • Prognostic meteorological regulation in solar energy engineering 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Meshyk, Kirill Olegovich; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Marozava, Victoria Alexandrovna (BrSTU, 2022)
      This paper considers an idea of saving energy resources by using meteorological data. Applying a prognostic meteorological approach to regulate parameters of a heat medium in solar thermal collectors allows decision-makers to regulate the temperatures designed, which might improve the efficiency in ...


    • The contribution of climatic and anthropogenic factors to changes in the runoff of plain rivers 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Makhmudova, Lyazzat; Zharylkassyn, Adilet; Kanatuly, Alilet; Zhulkainarova, Madina (BrSTU, 2022)
      The changes in the annual runoff of plain rivers are estimated on the method that based on the restoration of the natural runoff of the last decades, during which significant anthropogenic changes took place. For these purposes, we used data on the runoff of rivers (tributaries of the considered rivers ...


    • Evaluation of natural grasslands determined by remote sensing and GIS applications in the highlands of Eastern Turkey 

      Bozkurt, Yalcin; Vagapova, Alina Ravilievna (BrSTU, 2022)
      The aim of this study was to assess the natural grassland regions for livestock production in the highlands of Eastern Turkey by utilizing Remote Sensing (RS) techniques and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications. It was concluded that the natural grasslands make up 2/3 of the whole study ...


    • On the wear mechanism of cardan gear joints 

      Poprykailo, Alexander Vitalievich; Costykovich, Gennady Alexandrovich; Verameichyk, Andrei Ivanovich; Auchynnikau, Evgeny Vitalievich; Khvisevich, Vitaly Mikhailovich; Onysko, Sergey Romanovich (BrSTU, 2022)
      In connection with the improvement of vehicles, power plants, an increase in their power, operational life, requirements for reliability and safety of use necessitate the development of new modifications of the main components and assemblies, incl. drive shafts. In this paper, an analysis of the main ...


    • Influence of cyclic loading parameters on fatigue characteristics of die steel 

      Belskiy, Sergey Evgrafovich; Blokhin, Alexey Vladimirovich; Adel Abdel Basset Rashid (BrSTU, 2022)
      Studying the fatigue characteristics of structural materials is a time-consuming process. The possibility of using high loading frequencies on the example of 5CrNiMn steel is presented in this paper. The results of studies of structurally sensitive characteristics are microhardness, electrical resistance ...
