Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Analysis of the non-linear methods for foundation settlement anessment 

      Shalobyta, Tatiana Petrovna; Poita, Petr Stepanovich; Shvedovsky, Petr Vladimirovich; Klebanyuk, Dmitry Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article discusses methods for calculating foundation settlement based on various approaches to solutions of the theory of limit equilibrium. The analysis of foundation settlement calculations in the linear and nonlinear stages of the subsoil reaction according to the Belarusian and Russian regulatory ...


    • Analysis of the strain-stress state of the bend-ing continuous RC-beams with hybrid reinforcement in the tensile zone under intermediate support 

      Hil, Arthur Ivanovich; Lazouski, Egor Dmitrievich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article considers the proposed model describing the stress-strain state of bent statically indeterminate reinforced concrete beams with combined reinforcement (the joint arrangement of metal and composite rods) of the stretched zone of the central support section, based on the positions of the ...


    • Controller functions for adaptive compensation system reactive power 

      Vabishchevich, Leonty Ivanovich; Klopotsky, Alexander Anatolyevich; Yarashevich, Anatoly Vasilievich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article is devoted to the construction of a controller algorithm as part of an adaptive reactive power compensation system. To construct the structure of a system with a controller, a reactive power compensator circuit with an analog calculation of the capacitance of capacitors was selected. The ...


    • Definition of conditions for sustainable development of the enterprise 

      Garchuk, Inna Maksimovna (BrSTU, 2021)
      The sustainable development of the national economy directly depends on the sustainable development of all industries, which, in turn, are formed from the development of each, separately taken enterprise - the main reproductive link. Under the influence of the factors of the business environment, the ...


    • Ecological features of pile works in construction 

      Чернюк, Владимир Петрович; Щербач, Валерий Петрович; Шляхова, Екатерина Ивановна (BrSTU, 2021)
      This article shows ecological features of pile works (provided with tables and figures) including pile works for driven piles. The most unfavorable features of pile works are noise and vibrations. Maximum permissible value of noise and vibrations are often exceeded during pile works. It causes growth ...


    • Estimation of operational efficiency of fixed and solar tracking PV systems in Belarus climate 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Meshyk, Kirill Olegovich; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Marozava, Victoria Alexandrovna (BrSTU, 2021)
      The authors of the article estimate a feasibility of utilizing solar power facilities on the territory of Belarus. They calculate total values of solar radiation under ideal weather conditions and make conclusions about operational efficiency of fixed and tracking PV systems.


    • Estimation of the shear resistance models of reinforced concrete elements without stirrups according to various design codes 

      Tur, Victor Vladimirovich; Varabei, Alexander Petrovich; Derechennik, Stanislav Stanislavovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      This paper presents the results of assessments shear design models with experimental data, included in the current and developed standards for the design of reinforced concrete structures.


    • Fracture toughness of carbon nanotubes modified cement based materials 

      Zhdanok, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Polonina, Elena Nikolaevna; Sadovskaya, Elena Alexandrovna; Leonovich, Sergej Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      In order to increase the fracture toughness of concrete, dispersed fiber reinforcement is increasingly used in practice. The initiation of crack initiation occurs at the nanoscale in the cement matrix. Thus, the use of nano-reinforcement with dispersed nanoparticles can have a positive effect on the ...


    • Innovative technologies in management municipal solid waste in the Republic of Belarus 

      Бунько, Светлана Александровна; Зазерская, Виктория Васильевна (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article is devoted to the problems of solid municipal waste management in the Republic of Belarus. The importance of finding innovative approaches to waste management due to the growing environmental, economic and social problems in society with an increase in the volume of generated waste is ...


    • Investment priorities during the pandemic 

      Prarouski, Andrey Gennadievich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The work analyzes investment activity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic that caused the global economic crisis. It is concluded that the pandemic has become a catalyst for the digitalization of the world economy. Both countries and businesses that quickly adapt to new conditions will be the ...


    • Method for selecting a costeffective option of the sequence of construction of buildings and structures in a complex 

      Kochurko, Anatoly Nikolaevich; Sryvkina, Lyudmila Gennadievna (BrSTU, 2021)
      When developing a justification for investment in the construction of facilities in accordance with regulatory documents, alternative studies and calculations should be carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of investments. This article offers a method for assessing the economic efficiency ...


    • On the issue of increasing the reliability of determining the modulus of the general soil deformation 

      Huts, Ilya Dmitrievich; Nikitenko, Mikhail Ivanovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The reliability of determining the modulus of general soil deformation directly affects the forecast of the final foundation settlement. Since the calculation of the 2-group ultimate conditions of the foundation bases is crucial in determining the size of the foundations, the solution of this issue ...


    • Optimisation of the design of the basic elements of the bearing system of a heavy CNC machining centre 

      Gorbunov, Victor Petrovich; Trofimchuk, Artem Sergeevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      By the example of a three-dimensional model of the bearing system of a heavy multipurpose CNC machine, the influence on the deformation displacements of the structural design of the basic elements, the location of the supports is considered, which made it possible to identify weak points in the structure ...


    • Rain surface runoff modeling using cellular automaton 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Kostiuk, Dmitriy; Petrov, Dmitriy; Sheshko, Nikolay Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The numerical solution of a system of two-dimensional shallow water (Saint-Venant) differential equations in partial derivatives for modeling the dynamics of surface runoff using digital elevation models obtained by laser altimetry leads to a significant increase in the computational load on the ...


    • Research of dynamic characteristics of power transfers by frictional type flexible link 

      Баханович, Александр Геннадьевич (BrSTU, 2021)
      Functioning of power transfer by flexible link of frictional type in conditions of a dynamic loading is theoretically described. Small motions of power transfer by flexible link of frictional type which allows to forecast unstable transfer operating modes are presented. Experimental research in the ...


    • Research of rigidity of tootheds of the toothed belt in conditions of the dynamic loading 

      Баханович, Александр Геннадьевич (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article results of experimental researches of rigidity of tootheds of a toothed belt within the limits of zones of a deficient profile gearing are presented by transmission of capacity.


    • Robustness assessment of precast reinforced concrete structural systems in an accidental design situation 

      Tur, Victor Vladimirovich; Tur, Andrey Viktorovich; Lizahub, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article presents the simplified implementation of the method of alternative load paths based on the energy balance approach. This method should be used to checking the global resistance of a damaged structural system after the occurrence of an accidental event. It is necessary to provide (reserve) ...


    • Service life prediction’s algorithm: loading, carbonization, chloride aggression 

      Shalyi, Evgeny Evgenievich; Leonovich, Sergej Nikolaevich; Budrevich, Nelly Anatolyevna (BrSTU, 2021)
      Corrosion reinforcement marine hydraulic structures due to chloride aggression and carbonization of concrete leads to a sharp decrease in the safety of the structure. The steel reinforcement will be subjected to a so-called depassivation process, once the chloride concentration on surface exceeds a ...


    • Some remarks about chemical prestressing of FRP reinforce-ment 

      Tur, Victor Vladimirovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      In last years has been observed a new wave of interest in the research and practical use of self-stressing concrete, now in combination with various types of non-traditional reinforcement. One of the widely used types of these reinforcements is FRP bars and long fibers (textile). We connect the major ...


    • Spatial development of territories: cross-border aspect 

      Zazerskaya, Victoria Vasilievna (BrSTU, 2021)
      The work assesses innovative processes as the basis of spatial development of territories. Activating innovative processes that contribute to the development of regions. The characteristics of forms and factors of cross-border cooperation are given. The transport industry and construction have been ...
