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ПросмотрМеждународные конференции по издательству "BPI"
Отображаемые элементы 1-20 из 40
A Neural NetWork for Combinatorial Problems of Optimization
(BPI, 1999)A neural network architecture for the optimization problems is discussed. It is a feedforward neural network with fixed weights. Such approach consists in definition the weights, using a priori knowledge. This paper describes the neural network for solving optimization tasks.2021-07-27
Adaptive Fuzzy Control Strategies for a Zeppelin
(BPI, 1999)The German town Friedrichshafen has an old tradition in building airships. In the moment a follower of the legendary Zeppelin will be build using new technologies. For the control concept this is a challenge because difficult flight manoeuvres are to consider like vertical take off and landing as well ...2021-07-27
Algorithms of Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robot Control
(BPI, 1999)The approach of obstacle detection in this paper is considered. This approach is based on two sequential snapshot analysis. The methods of corresponding points finding are considered. We are using edge detection algorithms for this method approbation.2021-07-27
Anomalies of Reflection of Acoustic Pulses from Boundary with Strong Dissipatiye Medium
(BPI, 1999)In given work the longitudinal acoustic waves reflection from boundary of a solid body with dissipative liquid theoretically is considered. The essential dependence of factor of signal reflection and its phase from factor of absorption of ultrasound in dissipative medium is shown. The experimental ...2021-07-27
Application of Genetic Algorithms for Solutions of the Task Is Frequent – Territorial Plannings Group Radio Electronic Equipment
(BPI, 1999)One from the important problems, is a problem of limited frequencyТs number between radio electronic equipment's (REE) within large group. It is necessary that all REE may operate with specific correlation of signal-noise (interference) on boundaries of their service's zones, сon sideling of electromagnetic ...2021-07-27
Architecture of Computer Vision Software System
(BPI, 1999)The software o f the Computer vision systems is complicated. The authors discuss the principles of Computer vision systems organization and propose the architecture for such software system.2021-07-27
Artificial Neural NetWork for DTMF decoders
(BPI, 1999)In this paper, the paltem recognition characteristics of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are used to realise a real decoder for Dual Tоnе Multi Frequency signals used in the telecommunication field. A new neural architecture, the Multi Leaming Vector Quantization (MLVQ) network, is proposed It ...2021-07-27
Computer Modeling the Excitonic Reflection and Photoluminescence Spectra of GaN Epitaxial Layers
(BPI, 1999)Photoluminescence (PL) and reflection excitonic spectra o f GaN single layer grown on sapphire substrate by MOVPE were modeled with aim to estimate a basie parameters o f free A- and B- excitons. The calculations were performed in the frame o f two-oscillator model for dielectric function e(E). Three ...2021-07-27
Data Fusion Algorithm in Intelligent Distributed Sensor Networks
(BPI, 1999)The offered data fusion algorithm is based on the averaging information received from reasonable sensors, whose readings always contain errors. The decision can be appliedfor receiving the most correct result about the object condition that is determined by set of various physical measures (coordinate, ...2021-07-27
Decomposition Approach to Minimize a Class of Superposition of Recurrent Monotone Functions on a Set of Parameterized Paths in Digraph
(BPI, 1999)A problem of finding optimal parameterized path in digraph is considered. A parameterized path is a path each arc of which is assigned a parameter fforn a given set. A superposition of recurrent-monotone functions is accepted as an objective fimction where one of the functions is defined by using max ...2021-07-27
Determination of Features of the Dependence of Neuron Net Output Coordinates on Other Coordinates and Parameters of Neuron Net
(BPI, 1999)The paper presents the deduction of main relationships of back-propagation algorithm on the basis of approximation of the unknown dependence of the efficiency factor on neural net parameters by the linear part of Taylor series. Such an approach for deduction of known results is intended to relax the ...2021-07-27
Dynamic Algorithms of Multilayered Neural Networks Training in Generalized Training Plant
(BPI, 1999)The new modifications of multilayered neurak networks training algorithms in a generalized training plant structure are introduced. The first modification for algorithm "on error backpropagation algorithm through time" is introduced and its sufficient conditions of a training procedure stability are ...2021-07-27
Dynamiс Planning in Spacecraft Approaching and Docking Control
(BPI, 1999)In this paper problems o f spacecraft control automatization on the stages of approaching and docking are considered. For sohing these problems, we are offer using onboard scheduler, based on rules. Onboard scheduler, based on dynamie planning methods, developing in artificial intelligence researches, ...2021-07-27
Fuzzy Expert System for a Stock Trading Process
(BPI, 1999)The goal of this study was to build and to evaluate a human skill based fuzzy expert system for a decision making support in stock trading process. Our focus was concentrated on Computer software that is capable to reproduce the knowledge from the skilled stock trader. Using classical technique and ...2021-07-27
Generalization of Ruspini's Likeness Relation in Cases of Subnormal Relations
(BPI, 1999)The note deals in a preliminary way with the problem of a generalization of a likeness relation. Preliminary results are considered. Defmition of generalized likeness relation is proposed. Some preliminary conclusions are made.2021-07-27
Intelligent System for Prediction of Sensor Drift
(BPI, 1999)ln this paper the features of neural networks using for improve of measurement accuracy of physical quantities by sensor drift prediction are considered. There is use a technique of data volume increasing for training of predicting neural network by using of separate approximating neural network.2021-07-27
International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI’99 = Международная конференция по нейронным сетям и искусственному интеллекту ICNNAI’99
(BPI, 1999)International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI’99 = Международная конференция по нейронным сетям и искусственному интеллекту ICNNAI’99 : proceedings, Brest, Belarus, 12–15 October 1999 / Brest Polytechnic Institute, Department of Computers and Laboratory of Artificial ...2021-07-27
Methods of Partial Logic
(BPI, 1999)This paper presenls novel theoretical results obtained in the field of partial logie. New operations (including a very useful minimization operation), laws, and expansions are introduced. Traditional Boolean function representation forms for the completely specified functions are generalized for the ...2021-07-27
Multi-Scale Image Analysis and Applications in Framework of the Intas 96-785 Project
(BPI, 1999)Multi-Scale Image Analysis and Applications in Framework of the Intas 96-785 Project / H. J. A. M. Heijmans [and etc.] // International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI’99 = Международная конференция по нейронным сетям и искусственному интеллекту ICNNAI’99 : Proceedings, ...2021-07-27
Neural Network Model of Associative Memory: To Visualize Solutions in Weight Space
(BPI, 1999)We apply some variants of evolutionary computations to the Hopfield model of associative memory. In the model, a number of patterns can be stored in the network as attractors if synaptic weights are determined appropriately. One of our goals of this study is to learn the number and distribution of ...2021-07-27