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dc.contributor.authorЧерноиван, Вячеслав Николаевич
dc.contributor.authorНовосельцев, Владимир Геннадьевич
dc.contributor.authorЧерноиван, Николай Вячеславович
dc.contributor.authorЧерноиван, Анна Вячеславовна
dc.identifier.citationПути обеспечения энергетической эффективности жилых зданий в процессе эксплуатации / В. Н. Черноиван [и др.] // International Technical-Scientific Conference "Current Issues of Urbanism and Spatial Planning", November 17–19, 2016. – Chisinau : CEP USM, 2016. – Vol. 2: Section: Heat, air, gas and environmental protection. – P. 121–126. – Bibliogr.: p. 126 (7 titles).ru_RU
dc.descriptionChernoivan Vyacheslav Nikolaevich; Novoseltsev Vladimir Gennadevich; Chernoivan Nikolay Vyacheslavovich; Chernoivan Anna Vyacheslavovna. Ways to ensure energy efficiency of residential buildings during operationru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe methods and results of the performed researcher of technical conditions of external walls of brick maintained dwelling houses with the warmth-keeping method - light plastering system «Thermocoat» with the use non-pressed polystyrene foam plastic and mineral wool. The analyses of the results of the present researches allows to determine that one of the main reasons of aggravation of operational heat technological characteristics of external walls with warmthkeeping lagging of non-pressed polystyrene foam plastic plates is low value of the coefficient of water vapour permeability of thermal insulation material.ru_RU
dc.subjectenergy efficiencyru_RU
dc.titleПути обеспечения энергетической эффективности жилых зданий в процессе эксплуатацииru_RU
dc.typeНаучный доклад (Working Paper)ru_RU

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