Browsing Научно-технические проблемы водохозяйственного и энергетического комплекса в современных условиях Беларуси by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 84
Пути обеспечения энергосбережения при кондиционировании воздуха в птичнике
(БрГТУ, 2011)In article is considered the microprocessor central air which realizes algorithm of management of the equipment forced ventilation on the periods of year. The mi-croprocessor control system as have shown results of modelling, provides high ac-curacy of maintenance temperature and humidity mode in a ...2020-05-11
Когенерационная гелиоустановка "Луч"
(БрГТУ, 2011)In Belarus level of solar illuminance is sufficient for development and applica-tion of devices catching solar energy and reformative it in other kinds of energy. The solar power plant in which there is an operation of energy of high potential at first in solar converters, and the remnant of the energy ...2020-05-11
Мелиоративное освоение бассейна реки Ясельды
(БрГТУ, 2011)The analysis of the land reclamation for the basin of the Yaselda River is giv-en; the positive and negative consequences for the melioration development of the territory are reviewed.2020-05-12
Компьютерные системы вибрационного мониторинга и оценки технического состояния механизмов
(БрГТУ, 2011)The hardware-software organization of computer multichannel systems of the vibrating control is considered. Application of such systems provides carrying out in a mode of real time of the continuous control over a vibrating condition of technical objects, the decision of problems of the signal system ...2020-05-11
Исследование сорбентов, применяемых для очистки ливневых водостоков от нефтепродуктов
(БрГТУ, 2011)Suspended solids and oil products are considered as the most important pol-lutants in the storm water. As suspended solids can be easily retained from storm water by simple sedimentation, for oil products it is usually needed to have a sec-ondary treatment: filtration through sorbents media. Although ...2020-05-11
Гидрогеологические изыскания при осушении подтапливаемых территорий населенных пунктов
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article defines the problem of the drainage of agriculture lands and under-flood urban areas, as well as shows the importance of the hydrogeological pros-pecting for further reclamation activity planning. There is also mentioned the specif-ic prospecting work during the design of the system of the ...2020-05-12
Теоретические предпосылки обесцвечивания и обезжелезивания поверхностных вод Белорусского Полесья для использования в целях технического водоснабжения
(БрГТУ, 2011)The characteristic of water objects of Byelorussia is presented. The estimation of quality of water on pools of the largest rivers of Belarus is given. Theoretical pos-sibilities of removal of chromaticity and iron in river waters for their use with a view of technical water supply are presented.2020-05-11
Блочно-модульные очистные сооружения поверхностных сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2011)The article the recommendations of division of surface sewage and account of volume of submitted for treatment on the basis of developed criterion of "relative stabilization of quality of the surface sewage" has been given. The variants of dis-posal and treatment surface sewage are represented. The ...2020-05-11
Удаление водного гумуса при помощи озонирования
(БрГТУ, 2011)Humic substances present in nature waters are the rezone of unpleasant taste and odor, they interfere water purification and fasten corrosion processes. The goal of this study was to investigate the efficiency of oxidation withozonation and both ozone and hydrogen peroxide together with and withought ...2020-05-11
Инновации при производстве строительных материалов
(БрГТУ, 2011)New installation so called steamgas generator is discribed in this article. It is protected by some patents of invention. This installation use pulsatory combustion. The steamgas generator is applied in industry for heart moisture processing of building materials.2020-05-11
Основные факторы, влияющие на уровни грунтовых вод прилегающих земель к прудам, и мероприятия по их регулированию
(БрГТУ, 2011)Factor effecting the level of ground waters in areas enclosing water bodies along with the ways to controe it have been proposed.2020-05-12
Оценка изменения гидрологических и гидрогеологических условий при расширении стариц
(БрГТУ, 2011)The paper deals with prediction of changes in hydrological and hydrogeologi-cal conditions on the example of oxbow in order to enhance for landscaping in the city of Brest.2020-05-12
Опыт разработки водосберегающих режимов орошения в условиях юга Западной Сибири
(БрГТУ, 2011)The obtained results can be used in solution of hydromeliorative and water problems.2020-05-12
Научно-методические основы разработки рекомендаций по снижению зарастания малых водохранилищ
(БрГТУ, 2011)The main features vegetation of lake-reservers as new man-made water-bodies are shown.2020-05-12
Трансформация водного режима рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2011)The tendencies for the air temperature, precipitations and moisture deficits for the 2020 year are forecasted. The probable variation for the water regime of the rivers is researched.2020-05-12
Научно-технические проблемы водохозяйственного и энергетического комплекса в современных условиях Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2011)В сборнике представлены материалы докладов участников Международной научно-практической конференции. Издается в 2-х частях. Часть 1.2020-05-11
Натурные исследования водорегулирующих сооружений с противофильтрационными элементами из полимерных материалов
(БрГТУ, 2011)There have been given the results of full-scale experiments of water regulating constructions on the canals of melioration systems. Polyethylene filmy screens have been used instead of sheet pilings in these constructions.2020-05-12
Особенности сорбционной очистки нефтесодержащих поверхностей стоков
(БрГТУ, 2011)Studies on applying for clearing of a surface sink of petroleum of graphitic sor-bent «Livsor-S" have shown his high performance, due to high magnitude of adhe-sive properties, developed surface of macropores retaining pool hydrocarbons in amounts, in some times superior mass of the sorbent.2020-05-11
Совершенствование систем оборотных циклов водоснабжения грануляторов на заводах по производству стеклянной тары
(БрГТУ, 2011)In factories for the production of glass containers are the most contaminated wastewater granulators. Therefore it is expedient to hold a primary water treatment after the pellet with drum-type devices. Improving the quality of primary water treatment in the granulator is achieved by using reagent and ...2020-05-11
Эффективное использование торфа в энергетических целях
(БрГТУ, 2011)The condition of a question on prospects of an effective utilization of peat in the power purposes is considered. It is shown, what work is spent in Republic of Belarus within the limits of realization of the State program "Peat", the directions necessary for realization of the plan of increase of use ...2020-05-11