Сборник материалов конференции по статьям
Recent Submissions
Возможности компьютерного зрения для беспилотных летательных аппаратов
(БрГТУ, 2024)The article is dedicated to exploring the possibilities of using computer vision in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems. It describes the fundamental concepts associated with computer vision and its significance in modern technologies. The application of UAVs in agriculture, construction, environmental ...2025-01-08
Аўтаматызаваная сістэма для эфектыўнага высеву насення: распрацоўка і ўкараненне
(БрГТУ, 2024)The purpose and structure of a grain seeder are studied, the relevance of the automatic system for monitoring and controlling the operation of this unit is described, the structure of this system is proposed, its functionality and parameters necessary for monitoring and control are analyzed.2025-01-08
Інтэграцыя аўтаматызаваных тэхналогій у сельскай гаспадарцы на прыкладзе збожжавай сеялкі
(БрГТУ, 2024)The relevance of automation of the process of sowing grain crop seeds, its efficiency and advantages of use were studied, possible ways and difficulties of such automation were identified, and an analysis of the automation systems for sowing grain crops available on the market was conducted.2025-01-08
Применение коллаборативных роботов для паллетизации готовой продукции
(БрГТУ, 2024)Automation is a natural process of development of social production aimed at reducing and avoiding the use of human labor.2025-01-08
Анализ и обработка виброакустических сигналов
(БрГТУ, 2024)The article is devoted to the study of various methods of processing vibroacoustic signals to assess the condition of gears in multi-shaft drives. Such approaches as spectral analysis, cepstral analysis, correlation analysis, spectrum trimming, synchronous accumulation of vibroacoustic data, analysis ...2025-01-08
Подходы к разработке программного средства для оценки кадровых рисков компании
(БрГТУ, 2024)Approaches to the development of software for assessing personnel risks in a company are considered. It is shown that personnel risk is related to the probability of the realization of anthropogenic threats originating from people. Based on the problems arising from personnel risks, the authors propose ...2025-01-08
Создание оптимизационной модели ANSYS для выбора рациональных параметров проекта
(БрГТУ, 2024)On the example of using optimization capabilities of ANSYS in relation to a class of machine-building structures, the approach for selecting rational parameters of the project is presented.2025-01-08
Программа учета «Berk» – современное программное обеспечение для работы с товарами
(БрГТУ, 2024)В статье описана учетная программа “Berk”, которая представляет собой программное обеспечение, способное облегчить работу с товарами, регистрацию производителей, покупателей. Как мы все знаем, в настоящее время программное обеспечение играет важную роль в облегчении каждой задачи. Внедрение такого ...2025-01-08
Алгоритмы иерархического анализа тепловых процессов радиоэлектронных средств
(БрГТУ, 2024)The article discusses key aspects of thermal processes occurring in radioelectronic devices and proposes algorithms that allow for effective analysis and prediction of temperature regimes in such constructions. The authors emphasize the importance of thermal analysis for ensuring the reliability and ...2025-01-08
Удаленное администрирование локальных компьютеров с применением платформы с открытым исходным кодом Ansible
(БрГТУ, 2024)Key factors in system settings and configurations that primarily affect the efficiency and stability of corporate networks when using Ansible have been experimentally established. Certain configuration parameters allow identifying errors in the configuration of network devices and servers, as well as ...2025-01-08
Использование Google-приложений для организации работы старосты группы
(БрГТУ, 2024)The article considers the technology for creating electronic records of classes in a group based on the use of Google Workspace Applications.2025-01-08
Информационные технологии и цифровизация
(БрГТУ, 2024)Мурадов, П. С. Информационные технологии и цифровизация / П. С. Мурадов, А. М. Хамраев, М. Х. Нурлыева. – Текст : непосредственный // Цифровая среда: технологии и перспективы. DETP 2024 : сборник материалов II Международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 31 октября–1 ноября 2024 г. / Министерство ...2025-01-08
Задачи внедрения электронных информационных технологий в образовательный процесс
(БрГТУ, 2024)The main reasons for using information technologies in education and possible ways to solve the tasks are considered in the scientific article. Possible ways to solve the tasks are proposed, including using innovative tools and simple support for the educational process.2025-01-08
Распрацоўка шматкампанентнай ГІС з маштабаваннем на аснове віртуалізацыі
(БрГТУ, 2024)A distributed architecture for dynamic run of the geoinformation system elements based on the Kubernetes container virtualization platform is presented. The system architecture was developed within the flood monitoring and prediction system. The system core includes a database cluster with high ...2025-01-08
Специализированный цифровой комплекс отбора и аттестации кадрового состава предприятий нефтеперерабатывающего предприятия
(БрГТУ, 2024)A specialized software complex for improving the efficiency of selection and certification of personnel in the oil refining industry with identification of the best candidates is presented. The complex automates the verification of employment candidates' competencies required for effective work and ...2025-01-08
Многофункциональный электронный модуль для компьютеризации физического лабораторного практикума
(БрГТУ, 2024)The question of constructing a physical laboratory workshop based on a PC is discussed. Two approaches are compared: the use of digital laboratories and specialized laboratory installations. It is shown that the second way is preferable. It is consistent with the trend of modern instrument making, ...2025-01-08
Развіцце сродкаў кіравання курсорам у рэчышчы эвалюцыі графічнага інтэрфейсу з карыстачом
(БрГТУ, 2024)The evolution of the personal computer peripheral devices converting motion to the cursor movements (mainly mice and trackballs) is analyzed based on a number of key devices from the 1970–2000 time period. Motion detection methods, data transfer specifics and ergonomics are considered.2025-01-08
Организация образовательного процесса в условиях цифровой трансформации
(БрГТУ, 2024)The article examines the features of the educational process in the context of the digital transformation of society. Author traced the coherence of education and economy, the technological readiness of the Belarusian educational system for training specialists needed by the digital economy. The ...2025-01-08
Организация академической образовательной площадки в условиях информационной связности
(БрГТУ, 2024)During the recent pandemic, the advantages and disadvantages of purely remote teaching methods became obvious. However, the means of supporting the remote educational process have developed so much that now it is not possible to fully return to the traditional classroom method: if lectures are broadcast ...2025-01-08
Facial Recognition Systems
(БрГТУ, 2024)On the basis of this program, the program that registers employees by face at the entry-exit points is designed for the security of electronic document exchange and the use of cryptographic methods of data protection. The program allows solving the following problems in data transmission systems and ...2025-01-08