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Современные изменения атмосферных осадков на территории Беларуси
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АкадемияБиблиографическое описание
Волчек, А. А. Современные изменения атмосферных осадков на территории Беларуси / А. А. Волчек, Н. Г. Кулик // Прыроднае асяроддзе Палесся: асаблівасці і перспектывы развіцця : матэрыялы міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі, Брэст, 16–18 чэрвеня 2004 г. : у 2 ч. / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Адзел праблем Палесся ; рэдкал.: М. П. Ярчак [і інш.]. – Брэст : Академия, 2004. – Ч. 2. – С. 514–518. – Библиогр.: с. 518 (2 назв.).Аннотация на другом языке
On the basis of the data collected at 35 meteorological stations of the Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry for Natural Resources of Belarus, an analysis of perennial rows of atmospheric precipitation year change is being presented. With the application of the homogeneity principles, the zoning of the territory of Belarus has been carried out according to the variation of the precipitation gradient. Proceeding from the data of precipitation year change registered at the meteorological stations, 6 zones have been designated. Histograms, reflecting tendencies in the average perennial intra-year distribution of atmospheric precipitation, have been constructed for the stated zones along the average trend parameters.
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