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О проблеме утилизации осадков сточных вод
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АкадемияБиблиографическое описание
О проблеме утилизации осадков сточных вод / В. Н. Яромский [и др.] // Прыроднае асяроддзе Палесся: асаблівасці і перспектывы развіцця : матэрыялы міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі, Брэст, 16–18 чэрвеня 2004 г. : у 2 ч. / Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі, Адзел праблем Палесся ; рэдкал.: М. П. Ярчак [і інш.]. – Брэст : Академия, 2004. – Ч. 2. – С. 383–388. – Библиогр.: с. 388 (8 назв.).Аннотация на другом языке
The necessity of observance of ecological requirements provides among priorities the decision of a problem of sewage sludge on the basis of their utilization now. The problem should be solved in a complex. It is impossible to finish process of sewage treatment, not having effective and ecologically safe way of utilization of sewage sludge. It is necessary to provide the maximal decrease in volumes of sludge with use of the most effective technologies and the equipment and is proved to choose probable receptions of their subsequent ecologically safe accommodation in an environment. World experience of utilization of sewage sludge gives many variants of the decision of this problem. In this article the basic directions for sewage sludg utilization in Republic Belarus and the countries of the European Union are considered. The data on quantity of formed sewage sludge in Belarus are submitted. The expediency of development of modern ecologically safe technologies of utilization is underlined.
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