Пространственно-временное распределение заморозков на территории Полесья
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Пространственно-временное распределение заморозков на территории Полесья / A. A. Волчек [и др.] // Прыроднае асяроддзе Палесся: асаблівасці і перспектывы развіцця : зборнік навуковых прац / Нацыянальная Акадэмія навук Беларусі, Палескі аграрна-экалагічны інстытут ; рэдкал.: А. Г. Арцямук [і інш.]. – Брэст : Альтэрнатыва, 2012. – Вып. 5. – С. 32–35 : ил. – Библиогр.: с. 35 (11 назв.).Abstract
В работе рассмотрены заморозки как опасные метеорологические явления, на территории Полесья. Выполнен анализ весенних и осенних заморозков, их пространственно-временных колебаний. Построены карты распределения заморозков.
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In work frosts, as the dangerous meteorological phenomena, in territory of Polesye are considered. The analysis of spring and autumn frosts, neir existential fluctuations is made. Cards of distribution of frosts are constructed. On territory of Poiesye, as well as on territory of republic frosts ire registered annually, and their repeatability averages 3–4 days in a month. Arise, as a rule, from May till September. The greatest repeatability is iecessary for May (about 80%), the least in June – about 17%., in July-August of frosts practically does not happen (2 %), in September are marked irowth of probability of occurrence of frosts (to 39%). The greatest repeatability both spring, and autumn frosts both at height of 2 m, and on a soil urface is necessary on territory of the drained bogs.
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