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Methodical instructions to perform laboratory works R1 "Introduction to the basics of radiation safety" and R6 "Dosimetry of ionizing radiation"

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Русакова, Зоя ВитальевнаДата издания
614.876(07)Библиографическое описание
Methodical instructions to perform laboratory works R1 "Introduction to the basics of radiation safety" and R6 "Dosimetry of ionizing radiation" / Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest state technical university, Department of physics ; comp. Z. V. Rusakova. - Брест : БрГТУ, 2014. - 11 с. - 50 экз.Аннотация
Methodical instructions drawn up in accordance with a model program of radiation safety course for engineering majors.
The guidance given necessary for explaining the principle of operation of devices and equipment used, describes a technique experiments, are tasks for independent work. Given control questions and a list of recommended reading.
Methodical instructions to carry out the laboratory work designed for foreign students BrGTU all technology sectors and forms of education.
URI документа
https://rep.bstu.by/handle/data/42824Документ расположен в коллекции

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