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Methodical instructions to perform laboratory work M2 "Studying of dynamics laws and measuring of gravitational acceleration on the Atwood's machine"

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Русакова, Зоя ВитальевнаДата издания
531.52(07)Библиографическое описание
Methodical instructions to perform laboratory work M2 "Studying of dynamics laws and measuring of gravitational acceleration on the Atwood's machine'" / Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest state technical university, Department of physics ; comp. Z. V. Rusakova. - Брест : БрГТУ, 2014. - 8 с. - 50 экз.Аннотация
Methodical instructions drawn up in accordance with a model program of physics course for engineering majors. The guidance given necessary for the understanding of the physical processes theoretical information explaining the principle of operation of devices and equipment used, describes a technique experiments, are tasks for independent work. Given control questions and a list of recommended reading. Methodical instructions to carry out the laboratory work designed for foreign students BrGTU all technology sectors and forms of education.
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https://rep.bstu.by/handle/data/42625Документ расположен в коллекции

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