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Сравнение расчетных моделей при определении напряжений в монолитных армированных плитах покрытий от вынужденных деформаций усадки расширения или температуры

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624.042Библиографическое описание
Желткович, А. Е. Сравнение расчетных моделей при определении напряжений в монолитных армированных плитах покрытий от вынужденных деформаций усадки расширения или температуры / А. Е. Желткович, А. И. Веремейчик // МИКМУС–2010 : сборник материалов XXII Международной инновационно-ориентированной конференции молодых ученых и студентов «Будущее машиностроения России» с элементами научной школы для молодежи, Москва, 26–29 октября 2010 года / Институт машиноведения им. А. А. Благонравова РАН. – Москва : ИМАШ РАН, 2010. – С. 145–146. – Библиогр.: с. 146 (8 назв.).Аннотация на другом языке
Settlement models of definition of pressure from the compelled deformations (expan-sions, temperatures) in designs with use of a so-called hypothesis of «conditional reinforcing» [1] and as described in work [2] aren't deprived lacks. The method [1] is based on the empirical dependences connecting pressure and relative deformations of concrete (elastic), of pressure and deformation of armature (the communications which rigidity or characteristics are considered known), the principle of indissolubility of deformations is considered, i.e. calculation is made under condition of compatibility of deformation of concrete of a design and limiting communica-tion. Elastic relative deformation of limiting communication when the module of elasticity and deformation of this communication, and also quantity of limiting communication had in concrete and its position (distribution) in concrete is known is defined. The method [2] doesn't consider the phenomenon of creep of concrete at усадке in the limited conditions (coherent). Calculation of efforts from the compelled deformations is made only at a stage according to the accepted law of development [3]. The law of change of the module of elasticity of concrete from time is accepted from the dependence described in researches [4].
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