Программное и позиционное решения линейно-выпуклой задачи оптимального управления с терминальным ограничением
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Нацыянальная акадэмія навук БеларусіUDC
Хомицкая, Т. Г. Программное и позиционное решения линейно-выпуклой задачи оптимального управления с терминальным ограничением / Т. Г. Хомицкая // Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі. Серыя Фізіка-матэматычных навук. – 2006. – № 3. – С. 103–109 : ил. – Библиогр.: с. 109 (5 назв.).Annotation in another language
An optimal control problem for a linear nonstationary system is under consideration. The behavior of this system is estimated by the values of convex objective function on its terminal state that belong to the bounded convex set. The method of construction of optimal open-loop solution is proposed. It consists from the linearization of the considered problem and special finishing procedure. On the base of this method the algorithm of optimal controller work is realized. It allows to synthesis an optimal feedback control. Results are illustrated on the example of fourth-order dynamical system.
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