Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Fusion of Detectors on the Basis of Recirculation Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection 

      Kochurko, Pavel (BrSTU, 2006)
      The identification of attack class plays great role in intrusion detection. In this paper the method of recognition of a class of attack by means of the cumulative classifier with nonlinear recirculation neural networks as private detectors is described, strategy of detector selection – by a relative ...


    • Neural Network Techniques for Intrusion Detection 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (BrSTU, 2006)
      This paper presents the neural network approaches for building of intrusion detection system (IDS). Existing intrusion detection approaches have same limitations, namely low detection time and recognition accuracy. In order to overcome these limitations we propose several neural network systems for ...
