Browsing 24–26 апреля 2019 г. by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 171
Устойчивое развитие: региональные аспекты
(БрГТУ, 2019)Сборник включает материалы докладов XI Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых «Устойчивое развитие: региональные аспекты», которая проводилась 24–26 апреля 2019 года на базе Брестского государственного технического университета. Представленные материалы сгруппированы по разделам: ...2020-01-31
Перспективы устойчивого развития этнографического туризма в Западно-Полесской этнографической зоне Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article discusses ethnographic tourism in the ethnographic zone of West Polessye. It specifies the resources for its organization, features of its promotion and sustainable development in the region.2020-05-15
Методические аспекты продвижения туристических услуг
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article includes some theoretical aspects of promoting a tourist product and analyzes its effectiveness. The article also shows a developed assessment scheme for promoting a national tourist product.2020-05-15
Концепция проекта центра отдыха и развлечений на основе рыболовного и сельского туризма
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article describes the purpose of the project of a new tourist object based on fishing and rural tourism. The method of implementation of this project is described in detail, the entire planned infrastructure is painted, as well as ways to attract customers.2020-05-15
Создание web-приложений Arcgis Online для целей обеспечения деятельности туристической фирмы
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article provides examples of using web-applications in a tourist company’s activities. The web-applications are created as an example of developing an internal system of a tourist enterprise and promoting a tourist product.2020-05-15
Экскурсия по усадьбам Каменетчины
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article gives characteristics of the estates and their owners which are included in the historic "book" of Kamenetsky. It provides an overview of the Traugutta, Rot, Sapieha-Potocki, Kartavykh-Poniatowski, and Puzanov families’ manors with their parks.2020-05-15
Нагрузки на среду при осуществлении туристско-рекреационной деятельности в биосферном резервате "Западное Полесье" (Белорусский сектор)
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article analyzes a method of calculating an anthropogenic load. The ecological path "Forest River" in the Biosphere Reserve "Western Polesie" (Belarusian sector) is taken as an example. The observation covers a period from March 1, 2018 to October 31, 2018. This issue is relevant because an ...2020-05-22
Экскурсия по церквям Жабинковского района
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article presents a weekend tour around churches in Zhabinkovsky district, Brest region. Zhabinkovsky district can be called a jewel of wooden architecture. There are churches that can be included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.2020-05-22
Классификация, общая характеристика и идентификация частиц микропластика в пробах воды
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article is supposed to define microplastic particles, consider all possible sources of microplastic particles and their characteristics according to various criteria, since the properties of microplastic particles determine their environmental impact.2020-05-22
Нормативно-правовые аспекты организации агротуристической деятельности в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article considers the most important regulation aspects of organizing agrotourism activities and general development of this type of tourism.2020-05-22
Перспективы развития караванинга как вида туристической деятельности в Республике Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article discusses current issues of caravanning both in the world and the Republic of Belarus. It is an analysis of modern caravanning infrastructure as a type of tourism and its prospects for development.2020-05-22
Развитие лечебно-оздоровительного туризма в зарубежных странах: региональный аспект
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article considers the topic of the emergence of health tourism, as well as its development in different regions of the world, the main types of resorts and their functional profile.2020-05-26
Агротуристический комплекс "Коробчицы" как объект сельского туризма
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article provides an investigation of regional peculiarities of cultural tourism development in the Republic of Belarus (Korobchicy village in Grodno region as an example). The article also describes the history of the village from its foundation to present day.2020-06-26
Актуальные аспекты развития устойчивого туризма в городе Кобрине с применением ГИС-технологий
(БрГТУ, 2019)This article contains ideas about developing tourism sustainably, differences between sustainable tourism and mass tourism, and the use of GIS-technologies for more effective management of tourist activities and for tourists’ convenience.2020-06-26
Влияние экологического туризма на окружающую среду на примере "Тропы испытаний" в Забайкальском национальном парке
(БрГТУ, 2019)Ecological tourism is important instrument of sustainable development. It is priority tourism’s kind for Baikal area. Arrangement of «Tropa ispitaniil» consists of security protection and lessening of environmental impact.2020-06-26
Региональное развитие культурно-познавательного туризма а Беларуси (на примере деревни Буйничи Могилевского района)
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article provides an investigation of structural and regional peculiarities in the development of cultural tourism in the Republic of Belarus (Buynichi village in Mogilev region as an example). The article also describes the history of the village from its foundation to present day.2020-06-26
Методология изучения северной границы лесов по данным дистанционного зондирования и ГИС
(БрГТУ, 2019)Research objective: GIS analysis of the northern treeline of Russia. According to inaccessibility of the investigated region and harsh climate the forest research is difficult to conduct. Due to this fact we propose using GIS technologies and remote sensing data in the research.2020-06-26
Дубовые леса в ГЛХУ "Кореневская экспериментальная лесная база Института леса НАН Беларуси"
(БрГТУ, 2019)There were reviewed structure of Quercetum aegopodiosum in genetic reserve of Quercus robur. Marked features of natural renewal of oak and its satellites. There proposed forestry measures for supporting satisfactory sanitary condition of plantings.2020-06-26
Разработка этапа микроклонального размножения в интродукции смородины кроваво-красной
(БрГТУ, 2019)Of particular relevance are studies on the development of in vitro breeding methods for the mass reproduction of introduced plant species. The optimal ratio of phytohormones introduced into the nutrient medium was established at the stage of microclonal propagation of Ribes sanguineum itself in in ...2020-06-26
Эколого-биологическая инвентаризация экспозиций Центра экологии БрГУ им. А.С. Пушкина
(БрГТУ, 2019)The article is about the inventory and the creation of cartographic webapplications for displaying the botanical expositions of the Ecology Center of the BrSU named after A.S. Pushkin. The created geoservice will allow for the continuous accumulation of photographic and descriptive material about ...2020-06-26