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dc.contributor.authorMeshyk, A.
dc.contributor.authorБорушко, Марина Викторовна
dc.identifier.citationMeshyk, A. Land Reclamation in Brest Region (Belarus): State, Problems, Prospects / A. Meshyk, M. Barushka // VII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Problems of Water Management, Environmental Protection, Architecture and Construction" : Collected Papers, Tbilisi, Georgia, 25–27 august 2017. – Tbilisi : Tsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical University, 2017. – P. 135–137. – Bibliogr.: p. 137 (2 titles).ru_RU
dc.descriptionМешик Олег Павлович; Борушко Марина Викторовна. Мелиорация земель в Брестской области (Беларусь): состояние, проблемы, перспективыru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article presents a historical background of land reclamation in Brest region, Belarus. It also describes a current state of land reclamation in the area and specifies some aspects of professional training of qualified experts in the sphere.ru_RU
dc.publisherTsotne Mirtskhulava Water Management Institute of Georgian Technical Universityru_RU
dc.subjectland reclamationru_RU
dc.subjectмелиорация земельru_RU
dc.titleLand Reclamation in Brest Region (Belarus): State, Problems, Prospectsru_RU
dc.typeНаучный доклад (Working Paper)ru_RU

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