Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Prognostic meteorological regulation in solar energy engineering 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Meshyk, Kirill Olegovich; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Marozava, Victoria Alexandrovna (BrSTU, 2022)
      This paper considers an idea of saving energy resources by using meteorological data. Applying a prognostic meteorological approach to regulate parameters of a heat medium in solar thermal collectors allows decision-makers to regulate the temperatures designed, which might improve the efficiency in ...


    • The contribution of climatic and anthropogenic factors to changes in the runoff of plain rivers 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Makhmudova, Lyazzat; Zharylkassyn, Adilet; Kanatuly, Alilet; Zhulkainarova, Madina (BrSTU, 2022)
      The changes in the annual runoff of plain rivers are estimated on the method that based on the restoration of the natural runoff of the last decades, during which significant anthropogenic changes took place. For these purposes, we used data on the runoff of rivers (tributaries of the considered rivers ...
