Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution intensive industries 

      Zoryna, Tatiana Gennadevna; Xueyao Liu (BrSTU, 2022)
      The paper has verified the hypotheses and theories about the location selection of pollution-intensive industries from various perspectives and explored possible factors influencing the geographical distribution of pollution-intensive industries. Based on the pollution intensity index of each industry, ...


    • Regional economic integration as a means of implementing the sustainable development goals 

      Зазерская, Виктория Васильевна; Бунько, Светлана Александровна (BrSTU, 2022)
      The development of economic cooperation and integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus can greatly contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A critical analysis of globalization and localization processes, taking into account external ...
