Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Neural Networks in Ischemic Strokes Diagnostics 

      Vaitsekhovich, Henadzi (Organising Committee of the Symposium PPEE Seminar BSE, 2012)
      In this paper the neural network model for transient ischemic attacks recognition have been addressed. The proposed approach is based on integration of the NPCA neural network and multilayer perceptron. The dataset from clinic have been used for experiments performing. Combining two different neural ...


    • Pre-processing of the sensors information for robustness control of the mobile robot 

      Golovko, Vladimir Adamovich; Klimovich, A. N.; Gladyschuk, V. B. (University of Durhan, 1999)
      The neural system for orientation of the robot on unfamliar district in this article is considered. In basis it lays several of the neural networks, which are united in the uniform system The primal problem o f the system is, that with an inexact іnfonration from sensor devices should to supply correct ...
