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ПросмотрВнеуниверситетские публикации ученых БрГТУ по издательству "Global Academy Publishing House"
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Regional convergence and innovation policies in the European Union
(Global Academy Publishing House, 2023)Ipatova, O. Regional convergence and innovation policies in the European Union / O. Ipatova // Academic Research & Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences / Olga Ipatova ; Edited by Shajara Ui Durar, Mohammed El Amine Abdelli. – Ankara : Global Academy Publishing House, 2023. – Chapter ...2023-03-09
Sui Generis Systems Protection for Design: Cumulation, Partial Cumulation and Demarcation of Legal Regimes
(Global Academy Publishing House, 2023-01-31)The use of design decisions is regulated in most countries by sui generis legislation (special legislation), which is associated with the uniqueness of the legal design of an industrial design, its “incompatibility” with the established legal classification of intellectual property objects: inventions ...2023-03-09