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ПросмотрВнеуниверситетские публикации ученых БрГТУ по издательству "Житомирский государственный технологический университет"
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Взаимосвязь психологии и экономики
(Житомирский государственный технологический университет, 2018)Currently, there are many economic laws and regularities, but no one will ever be able to accurately and confidently predict whether a product will be sold, what its modification is preferred by the consumer and how the demand changes in the nearest Time. Economics as a special discipline always ...2020-01-28
Рынок юридических бизнес-услуг в Республике Беларусь: особенности и тенденции развития
(Житомирский государственный технологический университет, 2015)The article describes specific properties of legal business services, organizational and legal forms of providing those services in the Republic of Belarus; the main tendencies of demand and segmentation of this type of services as well as problematic aspects of projecting the outcomes and quality control.2020-01-28