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Tasks and methodical instructions for performing calculated graphic works on a course "Resistance of materials" for students of a specialty 1-70 02 01 "Industrial and civil engineering"

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Zheltkovich, Andrey EvgenievichVeremeichik, Andrey Ivanovich
Molosh, Viktor Viktorovich
Дата издания
539.3/.6(07)Библиографическое описание
Tasks and methodical instructions for performing calculated graphic works on a course "Resistance of materials" for students of a specialty 1-70 02 01 "Industrial and civil engineering" / Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest state technical university, Department of applied mechanics ; A. Zheltkovich, A. Veremeichik, V. Molosh. – Brest : BrSTU, 2017. – 30 p. – Bibliography: p. 30. – 30 copies.Аннотация
Methodical instructions contain individual tasks, initial data for performing a calculated graphic work (CGW) and examples of solving problems.The main purpose of the methodical instructions is to provide assistance to students of construction specialties when studying the main sections of resistance of materials and to activate individual work.
URI документа
https://rep.bstu.by/handle/data/30387Документ расположен в коллекции

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