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Laboratory testing of wood and wood-based. Building materials and structural members : methodological guidelines & test data logs : for full-time 1-70 02 01 specialty civil engineering students
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624.011.1(076.5)=111Библиографическое описание
Laboratory testing of wood and wood-based. Building materials and structural members : methodological guidelines & test data logs : for full-time 1-70 02 01 specialty civil engineering students / Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest state technical university, Building Structures Department, Wooden and Plastic Structures Course ; compiled by: V. V. Zhuk, I. F. Zacharkewitch, D. A. Zhdanov. – First English edition. – Brest : BrSTU, 2019. – 27 p. – Bibliogr.: p. 27 (titles). – 22 сopies.Аннотация
The Guidelines on the laboratory mechanical testing of wood and wood-based building materials and structural elements are intended to be used by full-time international 1-70 02 01 specialty un- dergraduate civil engineering students at the lab classes within the Wooden and Plastic Structures course. The topics covered by the Guidelines are in full compliance with the course syllabus.
Аннотация на другом языке
Руководство по лабораторным механическим испытаниям древесины и древесных строительных материалов и элементов конструкций предназначено для использования студентами дневной формы обучения международных специальностей 1-70 02 01 бакалавриата-строителя на лабораторных занятиях по специальности «Деревянные и пластмассовые конструкции». курс. Темы, охватываемые руководством, полностью соответствуют программе курса.
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