Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Innovative development of agricultural entities 

      Popova, Larisa Vitalievna; Huin Zung Thi Thanh (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The goal of the present study is to analyze current trends, identify concerns and perspectives of innovatization of Russian agrarian entities. At present, the scientific and innovative infrastructure of the agricultural sector shows a weak capability to introduce hightech innovative digital technologies ...


    • Innovative development of Russia: regional aspect 

      Tretiakova, Elena Andreevna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Regions of Russia differ significantly by their geographical, climatic, resource and other characteristics as well as by the level of innovative development of their economic systems. Low level of the innovative activity of most subjects of the Russian Federation hampers the solution of the strategic ...
