Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Forecasting small business development in Brest region based on economic trends 

      Kot, Natalya Genrikhovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article examines the economic crisis indicators which include a global economic downturn, reduced discount rate of the US Federal Reserve and setting negative rates by the European Bank, a decrease in the un-employment rate, yield curve inversion and a significant growth of gold price. The timely ...


    • Improving the activities of enterprises in the implementation of information technologies 

      Pavlyuchuk, Yuri Nikolaevich; Zazerskaya, Victoria Vasilievna; Krivitskaya, Tamara Vasilievna; Flyachinskaya, Natalia Nikolaevna; Filippova, Tatyana Viktorovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article analyzes the possibilities of implementing information technologies in the activities of housing and communal services enterprises to increase their efficiency. The object of the study is enterprises that provide housing and communal services in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. ...


    • Industrial parks: development findings 

      Psareva, Nadezhda Yurievna; Mukhtarova, TanChulpan Rinatovna; Ciekanowski, Zbigniew (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Integration processes are one of the most effective methods to improve performance in any sector of the economy. Integration processes are of particular importance in industry, which was the basis for developing all other types of activity. The adoption of the Federal Law on industrial policy has ...


    • Innovative development of agricultural entities 

      Popova, Larisa Vitalievna; Huin Zung Thi Thanh (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The goal of the present study is to analyze current trends, identify concerns and perspectives of innovatization of Russian agrarian entities. At present, the scientific and innovative infrastructure of the agricultural sector shows a weak capability to introduce hightech innovative digital technologies ...


    • Innovative development of Russia: regional aspect 

      Tretiakova, Elena Andreevna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Regions of Russia differ significantly by their geographical, climatic, resource and other characteristics as well as by the level of innovative development of their economic systems. Low level of the innovative activity of most subjects of the Russian Federation hampers the solution of the strategic ...


    • Issues of assessing the going concern when investing in active entity 

      Senokosova, Olga Vladimirovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      In the context of a rapidly changing external and internal economic environment, the issues of assessing the con-tinuity of the activities of organizations acquire particular relevance. The responsibility for assessing the going concern rests with the auditors who audit the annual financial statements. ...


    • Key benefits of using digital twins in the smart industry 

      Makaruk, Olga Evgenievna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The process of digital transformation of business processes and business models of industrial enterprises based on the use of digital twin technology have been disclosed in the article. The classification of the main types of industrial digital twins is given, the evaluation of models for the use of ...


    • Logistic service systems in tourism: main features 

      Skorobogatova, Tatyana Nikolaevna; Vakhovskaya, Margarita Yurievna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Skorobogatova, T. N. Logistic service systems in tourism: main features / T. N. Skorobogatova, M. Yu. Vakhovskaya // Инновации: от теории к практике : сборник научных статей VIII Международной научно-практической конференции, Брест, 21–22 октября 2021 г. / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, ...


    • Method of implementing just in time concept in construction 

      Pauliuchuk, Yuri Nikolaevich; Ciekanowski, Zbigniew; Nowicka, Julia (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article focuses on implementing Just in Time concept in the construction industry when engineering buildings using "just-in-sequence" method. The essence of the concepts and method, their positive aspects are considered in the broadest expression. The study describes the logic of interaction between ...


    • Methodological bases for assessing the effectiveness of clustering of the economy 

      Yaheva, Galina Artemovna; Vailunova, Julia Gennadievna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The relevance of assessing the effectiveness of clustering the economy is confirmed by the low rates of cluster organization in the Republic of Belarus, the lack of a methodology for developing cluster policy and manag-ing the clustering process. At the same time, the cluster approach is recognized ...


    • Methodological foundations for the development of socio-economic systems on the basis of integration 

      Zazerskaya, Victoria Vasilievna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Integration processes, state, problems and prospects of development of socio-economic systems are analyzed. The development of directions for the implementation of interregional interaction is based on a critical analysis of theories of regional integration. The principles of effective integration of ...


    • Policy of the Czech National bank and real estate market 

      Kievich, Alexander Vladimirovich (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Nowadays the impact of Covid could be seen not only in the Czech Republic, but all over the world; the value of money also constantly decreases due to inflation and negative trends in the economy. People usually try to save their money and they want to be sure, that their savings will not lose value. ...


    • Productivity of logistics business processes in the conditions of sustainable development of economic systems 

      Каlischuк, Elena Leonidovna; Nebelyuk, Victoria Vadimovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article considers the issues of ensuring the effectiveness of logistics business processes in supply chains. The authors propose methods for determining the effectiveness of management according to the principles of sustainable development of the International Standard ISO 9004:2018 series. The ...


    • Professional ethics of an accountant in the sustainable development system 

      Potapova, Natalya Vasilievna; Priymachuk, Irina Vasilievna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The role of professional ethics of an accountant is becoming increasingly important to the enterprise. The accountant is in a unique position at the intersection of all areas of activity. Accountant has the ability and authority to develop models and generate information and brings the enterprise into ...


    • Public procurement innovations in the Republic of Belarus 

      Аверина, Ирина Николаевна; Kuleshova, Angelica Mikhailovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      Digitalization of all public administration spheres is the most actual issue in the Republic of Belarus. The main directions of the public procurement reform in Belarus are associated with the expanding the information technologies application. The article provides an overview of innovations in the ...


    • Risk management model for building a company's production program 

      Ivakhnik, Dmitry Evgenievich (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The paper presents an economic-mathematical model that helps to determine the risk reduction resources at the phase of selecting a variant of the company's production program. Risk reduction is conditioned by the manipulation of sales volumes and selling prices, and by searching for the solution, which ...


    • Scientific discoveries in the intellectual property management Republic of Belarus 

      Ermakova, Eleonora Erikhovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article addresses the features of scientific discovery as a result of intellectual activity. The attributes of a scientific discovery and its difference from invention, have been identified. The article also considered the retrospective experience of legal protection of scientific discoveries, ...


    • Social entrepreneurship in Belgium 

      Stankevich, Daria Vladimirovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article addresses the issues of social entrepreneurship in Belgium. It examines the main organizational forms of social enterprises operating in that country, analyzes statistical data on the number of employees in the industry and the number of enterprises over the period of 2008 to 2017, compares ...


    • Social responsibility of innovative activity of an enterprise and its assessment in financial accounting 

      Yurchik, Vera Ivanovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article deals with the problem of social responsibility of the innovative activity of the enterprise. The article presents a methodology for assessing the level of social development of an enterprise on the basis of a collective agreement, as well as the impact on the indicators of financial ...


    • Sources and directions for developing 3PL logistics provider functions in the modern supply chain 

      Vakulich, Natalya Alexandrovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The main point of the article is that logistics, in order to provide the world economy with its two major functions, service and integration, creates an objective need for changes in its own institutional settings of activity. Based on reports and references, the author of the article has analyzed the ...
