Browsing 18–20 апреля 2012 г. by Submit Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
Действие ионов свинца как стресс-фактора на активность ферментов антиоксидантной системы в проростках бобовых растений
(БрГТУ, 2012)The growth and development of the plant organism goes is influenced by various stress factors: increased and or Iow temperatures, drought, salinization, pollution with heavy metals. Intention to work was to study the stress response of leguminous plants subjected to the toxic effect of lead ions. ...2021-08-24
Очистка сточных вод, содержащих синтетические поверхностно-активные вещества
(БрГТУ, 2012)The problem of pollution of water by synthetic surfactants is described in the article. Possiblc methods of sewage purification are discussed by the authors.2021-08-24
Влияние работы дренажа на формирование продуктивности осушаемых земель в весенний период
(БрГТУ, 2012)The approach, which allows evaluating the influence of drainage operation on formation the economic and environmental effect on drained land areas, is shown.2021-08-24
Особенности формирования гидрографов весеннего половодья на реках Белорусского Полесья
(БрГТУ, 2012)Changing of hydrographs’ parameters of spring flood on rivers of Belarusian Polesye during a period since 1968 till 2005 is discussed in the article.2021-08-24
Оценка влияния климатических изменений на урожайность сельскохозяйственных культур
(БрГТУ, 2012)Now, in connection with climatic changes, the requirement for forecasting of productivity of agricultural crops sharply increases. We had been used a method of regressive analysis of time numbers for forecasting of productivity of potato.2021-08-24
Периодичность изменений максимальных расходов воды весеннего половодья рек Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2012)Peak and frequency characteristics of spectral decomposition of a spring high water row of four basie rivers of Belarus on time interval in 134 years and two allocated periods 1937-1968 and 1969-2000 periodicity of a river flow are considered. Comparison of this periodicity for two allocated periods ...2021-08-24
Особенности формирования суммарного испарения на территории Белорусского Полесья в современных условиях
(БрГТУ, 2012)Results of analysis of total evaporation obtained by meteorological stations of Belarusian Polesye are discussed in the article. Changing of evaporation caused by global warming was evaluated by the authors.2021-08-24
Прогнозная оценка изменения гидроэнергетического потенциала рек Беларуси на современном этапе
(БрГТУ, 2012)Results of calculation of change of a hydroenergy potential of the rivers of Belarus in the conditions of modern climate change are presented in the article. Calculations are executed for 88 hydrometric points of the rivers.2021-08-24
Районирование территории Беларуси по синхронности многолетних колебаний максимальных расходов воды дождевых паводков
(БрГТУ, 2012)Division into districts of territory of Belarus on synchronism of fluctuations of the maximum rainfall discharges is spent. It is allocated five hydrological areas. Results are presented in figures and in the table.2021-08-24
Целесообразность использования компостов в зелёном строительстве городов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The composts based on the wastewaler precipitations have a complex positive effect on the soil fertility and can be used as fertilizers for the city planting. The use of the composts also solves the problem of the utilization of the wastewater precipitations from purification plants.2021-08-24
Сходимость моментов стохастической модели многолетних колебаний речного стока
(БрГТУ, 2012)This research work deals with the model of several years’ fluctuation of the river flow, which was received by applying Ihe stochastic differential equation of Omstein-Uhlenbeck. The proccss under consideration is the homogeneous in terms of time Markow process of diffusion type with corresponding ...2021-08-24
Оценка антропогенной нагрузки на окружающую среду в рамках комплексных исследований экологического состояния административных районов
(БрГТУ, 2012)In article new scientific principles of an estimation of agricultural loading in tenitory of administrative districts are stated. It is offcred to consider the areas of farmland, volumes of fertilizers and pesticides, a livestock of caftle. In the article new approaches to estimation of anthropogenic ...2021-08-24
Производство многокомпонентных топливных брикетов на основе осадков сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2012)At present thcre is an urgent need for disposal of sewage sludge, caused by its large accumulations in plants. The problems of making fuel briquettes from sewage sludge with the addition of waste from other Industries.2021-08-24
Количественное оценивание параметров объектов различной природы на основании анализа их двухградационных (бинаризованных) изображений. I. Обоснование возможности использования статистического подхода для определения уровней бинаризации
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article proposes approach which саn provide the basis for new instrumental methods of evaluation of different object parameters basing on analysis of their binarized images.2021-08-24
Проблема защиты от паводков населенных пунктов в пределах особо охраняемых природных территорий
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article describes the aspects of the environmental impact assessment of planned engineering measures to protect settlemcnts from floods within the protected arcas on the example of Nepli village, Brest region.2021-08-24
Экологические аспекты исследования электромагнитной чувствительности человека
(БрГТУ, 2012)The biosystems electromagnctic sensitivity researches spent to the different countries on various biological objects, led to results ambiguous and contradicting each other. In the prof. Ju.N. Taskaev works, presence of subthreshold influence of weak and superweak electromagnetic radiation on the person ...2021-08-24
Концепция энергоэффективности жилых зданий как составная часть энергетической политики
(БрГТУ, 2012)Possibilities of the complex decision of a problem energy savings of residential buildings are considered: both at the expense of perfection of constructive system of buildings, and at the expense of application energy-efficient engineering systems.2021-08-24
Исходные предпосылки к обоснованию конструкции и расчету параметров дренажно-аккумулирующих систем для природоохранного обустройства объектов складирования отходов
(БрГТУ, 2012)The design characteristics and mathematical expressions for drainage-accumulation system filtration and sorption characteristics determining in the complex of engineering land reclamation measures have been considered.2021-08-24
Гумусовые вещества в экологическом мониторинге водных систем
(БрГТУ, 2012)The role of humic substances in behaviour and transformation of heavy metals and organic pollutants in natural waters is considered. Importance of the account of processes of complexation is proved by working out of limiting water quality indexes.2021-08-24
Количественное оценивание параметров объектов различной природы на основании анализа их двухградационных (бинаризованных) изображений. II. Построение двухградационных (бинаризованных) составляющих изображения объекта исследования
(БрГТУ, 2012)The article describes method which сап provide the basis for creating technical vision systems for persistent monitoring of parameters of different objects and systems with prescribed level of quantitative information reliability.2021-08-24