
Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The contribution of climatic and anthropogenic factors to changes in the runoff of plain rivers 

      Meshyk, Oleg Pavlovich; Makhmudova, Lyazzat; Zharylkassyn, Adilet; Kanatuly, Alilet; Zhulkainarova, Madina (BrSTU, 2022)
      The changes in the annual runoff of plain rivers are estimated on the method that based on the restoration of the natural runoff of the last decades, during which significant anthropogenic changes took place. For these purposes, we used data on the runoff of rivers (tributaries of the considered rivers ...


    • Еffect of climatic factors on service life of insulating materials of traction electric machines 

      Kudina, Helena Fedorovna; Zalata, Andrey Sergeevich; Karpenko, Vladimir Vladislavovich; Prihodzko, Ivan Vasilievich; Kuritsyn, Pavel Andreevich (БрГТУ, 2022)
      The aspects of operation of electrical equipment under the influence of limit values of a number of climatic parameters, as well as the performance of equipment with a change in altitude, are considered. The results of experimental comparative studies of the electrical insulation resistance of TEM ...
