Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Atlas "Weather hazards in Belarus" and its application in training environmental engineers 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Meshyk, Aleh; Shpoka, Iryna; Борушко, Марина Викторовна (ФГБОУ ВО РГАТУ, 2017)
      В статье рассматриваются особенности и перспективы использования Атласа опасных метеорологических явлений на территории Беларуси в учебном процессе при подготовке студентов, магистрантов и аспирантов по специальностям природоохранного направления.


    • Atlas. Weather hazards in Belarus 

      Volchak, Аliaksandr; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Meshyk, Aleh; Shpoka, Iryna (All-Russian Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, 2017)
      The Atlas contains maps with the most widespread weather hazards registered in Belarus from 1975 till 2015. The authors provide short description and quantitative criteria for each weather phenomenon which are defined according to the regulatory requirements of the Republic of Belarus. The main ...


    • Environmental risks of the Pripyat river in a changing climate 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Meshyk, Aleh; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Rokochynskiy, Anatoliy; Jeznach, Jerzy (E3S Web Conf, 2020)
      The paper considers the hydrological characteristics of the Pripyat River. At the same time, extreme hydrological situations are described - floods and low water levels. The influence of land reclamation carried out in the catchment area on the river runoff was established. Forecast estimates of changes ...


    • Heat Accumulation in Soils of Belarus 

      Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Meshyk, Aleh (2018)
      Barushka, M. Heat Accumulation in Soils of Belarus / M. Barushka, A. Meshyk // International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (ICCCGW 2018), October 29–30, 2018, Paris, France: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological ...


    • Leachate Dynamics in Landfill 

      Adomaitis, Saulius; Grybauskienė, Vilda; Meshyk, Aleh; Vyčienė, Gitana (КазНАУ, 2018)
      Human activities are inevitably associated with the generation of waste. The proximity of many of landfills to metropolitan water supplies, the frequency of landfill leachate contamination of groundwater sources, and the knowledge that leachate from landfills may be an important source of ground ...


    • Modeling dynamics of stored soil moisture at stage of control of structures of amelioration systems 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Meshyk, Aleh; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Chernikova, Olga (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2020)
      The article contains the results of development of a methodology for assessing and optimizing the water regime on agricultural lands. To ensure an environmentally safe mode of humidification, operational instrumental control of dynamics of soil moisture reserves is necessary. A distinctive feature ...


    • Nonlinear Modeling of Annual Runoff of Main Rivers in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr; Meshyk, Aleh; Parfomuk, Sergey; Mazhayskiy, Yury; Chernikova, Olga (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2021)
      The article investigates the problem of mathematical description of long-term fluctuations of river runoff, which is relevant for solving problems of modeling and forecasting in engineering hydrology. The description of the process of runoff fluctuations is based on the stochastic differential equations ...


    • Peculiarities of Snow Cover in Belarus 

      Meshyk, Aleh; Vouchak, Anastasiya (2018)
      Meshyk, A. Peculiarities of Snow Cover in Belarus / A. Meshyk, An. Vouchak // International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering. – Vol. 12. – № 10, 2018.
