Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Kinematic criteria of smoothness of work of cylindrical gear wheels 

      Драган, Александр Вячеславович; Скороходов, Андрей Станиславович; Александрова, Вера Сергеевна (China Machinery Press, 2004)
      The results of theoretical and experimental researches are given in the work, which purpose is the development of techniques and means of diagnostics of gear wheels, and also criteria determining smoothness of work of gearing on the basis of the information about kinematic errors.


    • Совершенствование технологии изготовления синхронизирующих зубчатых колес роторных насосов 

      Романюк, А. С.; Григорьев, Владимир Федорович; Дакало, Юрий Александрович (БГУ, 2013)
      In article theoretically replacement possibility of the spur gear grinding by the subsequent with break-in process while in service for achievement of a demanded roughness on an example of manufacturing of synchronizing spur gears of rotor pumps B3-OP2-A-2 series also is experimentally investigated.
