Материалы конференции по статьям: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 79
Влияние гумусовых веществ природных вод на параметры коагуляционной очистки в процессе мембранной фильтрации
(БрГТУ, 2013)On the basis of the data of research of a molecular-mass distribution and fluorescent sounding of the dissolved organic matters of surface natural waters the conclusion about influence of high-polymeric fractions of humic substances on pollution of membranes in a straining action is made.2021-08-23
Оценка качества трансграничных поверхностных вод на примере украинской части р. Дунай
(БрГТУ, 2013)The evaluation of the water quality of the Danube delta, using different approaches (classification), which used in neighboring states were performed. The comparability of the results were analyzed.2021-08-23
Сравнительный анализ температурного режима воды на реке Лесная в период весеннего половодья 1965 и 2013 гг.
(БрГТУ, 2013)The aim of this study is а comparative analysis of the tempemture regime during the spring flood in 1965 and 2013, р. Forest. Ву the nature of variation in the time the water temperature in rivers can bе judged on the natural changes in the environment and on human impact.2021-08-23
Использование дистанционного зондирования земли в экологии
(БрГТУ, 2013)Researches of infonnation of DZZ are used in various areas as it is possible to receive quickly and qualitatively reliable result. In our researches infonnation of DZZ will bе used for monitoring of ruslovy processes on the cross-border watcr objects, being of special importance as Frontier of ...2021-08-23
Технология обмывки вагонов с использованием кавитационного насадка
(БрГТУ, 2013)In this article the question of the use of cavitation when washing wagons. Selected form nozzle, been calculated of its dimensions and flow parameters. Determined by water temperature approximate pump characteristics.2021-08-23
Математическое описание формы гелиоконцентратора «Луч»
(БрГТУ, 2013)In article the mathematical description of the form of a helio-concentrator "ЛУЧ" is resulted. The calculated geometrical parametres of a helio-concentrator are compared with the received parametres for the ideal paraboloidal concentrator.2021-08-23
Технический прогресс и природопользование
(БрГТУ, 2013)Energy industry progress as main part of society development has been very strong influence on nature use. This article shows some factors of those. Heat discard, oxygen consumption, green plants burning, nuclear installations, new energy sources demand more attentive relation, with another wide know factors.2021-08-23
Необходимость технически грамотного проектирования снижении энергопотребления
(БрГТУ, 2013)Methodology of training of architects and engineers must change significantly. Architecture in the technical aspect has been developing vigorously, using new technologies and materials. To get closer to new ideas and concepts must be conscious desire to discard the old styles and imaginary values.2021-08-23
Установка со слоевым пульсирующим горением для обезвреживания газообразных отходов низких концентраций
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article suggests the installation of thermal neutralization of gas and air emissions and using the workflow layer pulsating combustion.2021-08-23
Парогазогенератор Пульсар — аппарат с минимальными вредными выбросами
(БрГТУ, 2013)The steam and gas generator is shown in this article. Installation has been made for good burning of fuel. It can be used in agriculture.2021-08-23
Экспериментальное изучение целесообразности применения устройств автоматического регулирования работы приточной вентиляционной установки
(БрГТУ, 2013)Analysis of the system of automatic control units on the actual temperature of the air that has three modes of the fan.2021-08-23
Обзор энергоэффективных жилых домов в Беларуси и за рубежом
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article suggests the installation of thermal neutralization of gas and air emissions and using the workflow layer pulsating combustion.2021-08-23
Компьютерная оценка выработки энергии ветроэнергетической установкой в зависимости от номинальной мощности ветротурбины
(БрГТУ, 2013)This paper presents application of wind climate numerical modeling for the assessment of wind energy resource and evaluation, of the potential wind power output from wind turbine installations of various capacity taking into account of district relief and meteorological data.2021-08-23
Струйный комплекс для локализации и очистки значительных объёмов воздуха на объектах гражданской обороны
(БрГТУ, 2013)Considered inkjet system for localization and purification of significant quantities of air.2021-08-23
Результаты инвентаризации водохранилищ и каналов Могилевской области
(БрГТУ, 2013)Provides information on the current condition and use of reservoirs Mogilev region. Thе ways of using them in aspect. Provides data on drainage systems in the context of administrative districts. This article is based on materials inventories of water bodies, held at RUE "CRICUWR" in 2008-2010.2021-08-23
Оценка ветро- и гелиоэнергегических ресурсов территории Республики Беларусь
(БрГТУ, 2013)The actualised information on the assessment of wind and solar energy resources on the territory of the Republic of Belarus which is available in the State Institution "Republican Hydrometeorological Center" are presented in this paper. The recommendations and the main guidelines of effective use of ...2021-08-23
Актуальные вопросы загрязнения поверхностного стока с городской территории на примере г. Бреста
(БрГТУ, 2013)City environment is quite specific in terms of its hydrology: it is presented by mostly impervious surfaces, which are the reason of formation of significant amount of surface runoff. Various types of pollutants are reported to be found in urban runoff. For the city of Brest nutrients and suspended ...2021-08-23
Оптимизация сельских ландшафтов Бытовского Поозерья в свете сбалансированного развития
(БрГТУ, 2013)This paper attempts to assess the landscape structure of the rural landscape of the Byt?w Lake District the design and development of sustainable landscapes. The analysis of the natural conditions of the area has been made, i.e. abiotic components: relief, water conditions, soil, and biotic: real ...2021-08-23
Оценка эффективности работы дренажа в проектах строительства или реконструкции осушительных систем
(БрГТУ, 2013)The present approach enables the assessment of drainage with the set or set parameters in the projects of construction or reconstruction of drainage systems at different levels of effectiveness.2021-08-23
Трансформация и накопление основных элементов питания в экосистеме «вода – почва – растение» при мульчировании почвы
(БрГТУ, 2013)This article describes the research to identify the impact of different ways of film mulching on soil properties and processes taking place in the ecosystem "irrigation water - soil - plant". In this case, the dynamics of the major nutrients, potassium and phosphorus. The chemical composition of plants ...2021-08-23