25–27 сентября 2013 г.: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 80
Прогнозные оценки изменения стока рек бассейна Ясельда
(БрГТУ, 2013)In the study estimation of current condition and future runoff alteration of Jaselda river were made. Prognosis assessments are obtained on the basis of standard climate scenarios of intergovernmental group of experts.2021-08-23
Результаты комплексного использования репрезентативных метеоданных и материалов аналитических расчетов в оценках естественной тепловлагообеспеченности земель
(БрГТУ, 2013)The purpose of the operation – the working out and the improvement of compu-tation methods of the characteristics of natural warmth and moisture resources used in designing waterworks on the territory of Belarus.2021-08-23
Практическое применение европейского опыта оценки гидроморфологических показателей состояния рек при организации гидроморфологических наблюдений в Беларуси
(БрГТУ, 2013)Article presents description of procedure to organize and realize survey on hydromorphology features of rivers, to assess hydromorphological modifications of rivers in Europe, aIso gives information about adaptation this approach into practice of surface water monitoring in Belarus.2021-08-23
Анализ работы систем водоснабжения малых населенных пунктов
(БрГТУ, 2013)Technological plans of iron’s removal in small establishments and settlements. Using of simplified aeration method in sand filters. Application of rapid filters with activated carbon for iron’s removal from water.2021-08-23
Особенности изменения количества и состава сточных вод, поступающих на очистные сооружения г. Витебска
(БрГТУ, 2013)The analysis concentration and quantityof waste waterof the cityof Vitebsk. Changes in the concentration of pollutionand quantityof wastewater,requirescorrectoperationtreatment plant.2021-08-23
Дослідження очищення стічних вод електрохімічним методом
(БрГТУ, 2013)The paper presents the research to reduce pollution from wastewater sludge method, electrochemical treatment and adsorption on uglerodmineralnih materials (TIM), On the basis of experimental data the revealed that the method of separation of solid contaminants in the sump and process tonkosharovom ...2021-08-23
Биологическое удаление азота и фосфора из городских сточных вод при реконструкции очистных сооружений
(БрГТУ, 2013)Considered technological schemes of reconstruction aeration tank with the technology of deep nutrient removal. Shows the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphora. The final choice of the scheme and the establishment of the residence time in each zone may be only after the pilot studies.2021-08-23
Реконструкция очистных сооружений поверхностных сточных вод промышленного предприятия
(БрГТУ, 2013)The aim of this work is the reconstruction of the surface treatment of waste water from the territory of the enterprise of agricultural machinery. The urgency is to solve the problem of water pollution by sewage and water management in die industry. The proposed design solutions to meet modem ...2021-08-23
Пневмогидравлический диспергатор газа «Торнадо»
(БрГТУ, 2013)This article describes the mechanism and methods for gas dispersion by different methods, the possibility of the creation of fine gas dispersion by dispersing the gas highly turbulent flow of fluid. The scheme of the experimental setup the device to disperse the gas. It also provides the experimental ...2021-08-23
Оценка влияния сброса очищенных сточных вод на качество воды малых рек Хоропуть и Ипуть в районе города Добруш
(БрГТУ, 2013)The results of the analysis of the current status of wastewater treatment Dobrush and determined the degree of cleaning required for discharge to the river Horoput.2021-08-23
Очистка сточных вод покрасочного производства предприятий приборостроения и машиностроения
(БрГТУ, 2013)Clearing of sewages containing colour by «way» know-how. The analysis of an existing problem of clearing of sewages, containing colour, with mining and intrusion of the given know-how in production is held.2021-08-23
Оценка эффективности работы очистных сооружений сточных вод текстильного предприятия
(БрГТУ, 2013)Textile industry is the major source of water consumption and wastewater pollution. Research on the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment plant of textile enterprises have shown that it can not provide the required degree of purification. This problem must be solved by improving the existing ...2021-08-23
Очистка краскосодержащих сточных вод «попутной» технологией
(БрГТУ, 2013)The analysis of an existing problem of clearing of sewages, containing colour, with mining and intrusion of the given know-how in production is held.2021-08-23
Experimental research on sorption of petroleum products from storm water by filtration
(БрГТУ, 2013)This article describes the analyses, which were accomplished with the help of the device of experimental filtration, when pollutants from wastewater were being removed bу filtration wastewater through sorbents FIBROILr filler in filtering rate 30 m/h. The results showed how efficiently andJiow much ...2021-08-23
Обоснование норм водопотребления в частном секторе
(БрГТУ, 2013)The problems of the real water consumption in the private sector are considered. The estimated quantities of water consumption for irrigation of farmlands depending on their size and climatic conditions are defined.2021-08-23
Биологическая очистка хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод с применением технологии Biocos
(БрГТУ, 2013)Environment protection is one of the most important issues among many problems facing humanity. Water quality degradation is caused by contamination with artificial substances; due to not deep enough waste water treatment. One of the advanced waste water biological treatment technology is BlOCOS-process. ...2021-08-23
Обоснование ставок налога за отведение сточных вод с повышением допустимых объемов их сброса
(БрГТУ, 2013)Considering a question in ecological and economic aspeckts of the tax for waste water discharges. The recommendations for improvement of the norms are given.2021-08-23
Перспективы использования осадков станций обезжелезивания для физико-химической очистки сточных вод от фосфатов
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article describes the problem of utilization of iron-containing sediments originating from deironing stations and the perspectives of their use for physical-chemical treatment of waste water from phosphates.2021-08-23
Экономическая оценка эффективности очистки промывных вод станций обезжелезивания коагулированием в присутствии фосфатов
(БрГТУ, 2013)The article presents the calculation of the economic efficiency of the technology of backwash waters treatment by coagulation in the presence of phosphates at iron removal stations.2021-08-23
Совершенствование технических нормативных правовых актов в области проектирования очистных сооружений сточных вод
(БрГТУ, 2013)Revision of the norm for the content of pollutants in waste water discharged into water bodies demanded change rules designing waste water treatment plants. Changing environmental requirements for waste water treatment plants require as using of best available techniques so and using the international ...2021-08-23