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dc.contributorБрестский государственный технический университетru_RU
dc.contributorBrest State Technical Universityru_RU
dc.contributor.authorTripodi, A.
dc.contributor.authorPersia, L.
dc.contributor.authorMeta, E.
dc.identifier.citationTripodi, A. Impact of e-Safety applications on cyclists safety / A. Tripodi, L. Persia, E. Meta // Искусственный интеллект. Интеллектуальные транспортные системы : материалы Международной научно-технической конференции, Брест, 25–28 мая 2016 года / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; редкол.: В. А. Головко [и др.]. – Брест : БрГТУ, 2016. – P. 176–180. – Bibliogr.: p. 180 (12 titles).ru_RU
dc.descriptionТриподи А .; Персия Л .; Мета Е. Влияние приложений электронной безопасности на безопасность велосипедистовru_RU
dc.description.abstractCycling is the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly transport mode, suitable especially for short distances. However, cyclists are considered as Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) who show an high casualty rate; therefore, actions to promote cycling in cities should go together with improving road safety. ITS can be used to develop intelligent applications assisting cyclists and other road users to avoid, prevent, or mitigate accidents. This paper presents the results of the assessment of impacts of ITS on the safety of cyclists, realised in the framework of the EU co-funded project SAFECYCLE. Eleven applications were selected and analysed in term of benefits and costs. The analysis allowed comparing the potential impacts of these applications in four EU countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Czech Republic), having different mobility and social characteristics.ru_RU
dc.subjectcyclists safetyru_RU
dc.subjectcost-benefit analysisru_RU
dc.subjectvulnerable road usersru_RU
dc.titleImpact of e-Safety applications on cyclists safetyru_RU
dc.typeНаучный доклад (Working Paper)ru_RU

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