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Anomalies of Reflection of Acoustic Pulses from Boundary with Strong Dissipatiye Medium

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BPIБиблиографическое описание
Kostiuk, D. A. Anomalies of Reflection of Acoustic Pulses from Boundary with Strong Dissipatiye Medium / D. A. Kostiuk, Y. A. Kuzavko // International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence ICNNAI'99 = Международная конференция по нейронным сетям и искусственному интеллекту ICNNAI'99 : Proceedings, Brest, Belarus, 12–15 October 1999 / Brest Polytechnic Institute, Department of Computers and Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks, Belarus Special Interest Group of International Neural NetWork Society, International Neural NetWork Society, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus), Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Engineering Cybemetics (Belarus), Universidad Politechnica de Valencia (Spain), Institute of Computer Information Technologies (Ukraine, Ternopil) ; ed. V. Golovko. – Brest : BPI, 1999. – P. 183–188.Аннотация
In given work the longitudinal acoustic waves reflection from boundary of a solid body with dissipative liquid theoretically is considered. The essential dependence of factor of signal reflection and its phase from factor of absorption of ultrasound in dissipative medium is shown. The experimental confirmation of conclusions of the theory is carried out by consideration of reflection of an acoustic pulse from the boundary of plexiglass - ероху pitch while the last is loaded, shown essential reduction of reflection factor and of acoustic pulse duration while ероху pitch is hardening.
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