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dc.contributor.authorKugan, S. F.
dc.identifier.citationKugan, S. F. Spatial development of territories in the context of economic development of the region / S. F. Kugan // Вестник Научно-исследовательского центра корпоративного права, управления и венчурного инвестирования Сыктывкарского государственного университета. – 2020. – № 1. – С. 95–100. – Библиогр.: с. 99–100 (22 назв.).ru_RU
dc.descriptionКуган Светлана Федоровна (Kuhan Svetlana Fedorovna.). Пространственное развитие территорий в контексте экономического развития регионаru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe existing problems of the territories socio-economic development and the search for ways to solve them are becom-ing the subject of research of an increasing number of scientists and specialists in regional development. Studying the main issues of the territories spatial development allows focusing attention on the growing role of regional centers in terms of their influence on the spatial development of the regions. The transition to strategic forms of managing the socio-economic devel-opment of the territory permits to develop appropriate documents taking into account the priorities, goals and orientation of spatial development. Implementation of methodological provisions regarding the formation and assessment of the spatial development of regions allows us to solve the main tasks of improving the rational management of land use, the effectiveness of the functioning of the regional logistics system, solving the issues of compactness of residence and population density make it possible to realize territorial, functional and social integration. The particular importance of the spatial development of the regions is predetermined by their features: the size of the territory, the number of inhabitants, resources, their accessibility, industrial specialization, the availability of international transport corridors, and modern infrastructure. The implementa-tion of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the whole system of natural, environmental and socio-economic conditions and processes, the projection of which on the territory determines its changes. The implementation of the spatial development strategy, based on a professional and scientifically based approach, takes into account the totality of socio-economic conditions and processes, natural and climatic conditions, everything that determines future changes. here for, it is necessary to define the spatial development strategy of the territory as one of the main documents regulating strategic planning, determining priorities, goals, objectives, scope and limitations of the development of the region; representing a set of measures of socio-economic development with their step-by-step imple-mentation. The work in this direction will allow eliminating the tendency towards territorial differentiation, increasing the level of economic development of the regions and attracting additional investment through the implementation of the inter-action mechanism between the state and business.ru_RU
dc.publisherФГБОУ ВО "Сыктывкарский государственный университет им. Питирима Сорокина"ru_RU
dc.titleSpatial development of territories in the context of economic development of the regionru_RU
dc.typeСтатья (Article)ru_RU

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