Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Computer Network Security Approach Based on Multi-Agent Dynamic Recognition 

      Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (BrSTU, 2015)
      Vaitsekhovich, L. Computer Network Security Approach Based on Multi-Agent Dynamic Recognition / L. Vaitsekhovich // Modern problems of mathematics and computer engineering : a collection of materials of the IX Republican scientific conference of young scientists and students, Brest, November 19–21, ...


    • Neural Network Techniques for Intrusion Detection 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (BrSTU, 2006)
      This paper presents the neural network approaches for building of intrusion detection system (IDS). Existing intrusion detection approaches have same limitations, namely low detection time and recognition accuracy. In order to overcome these limitations we propose several neural network systems for ...
