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ПросмотрФакультеты по издательству "BrSTU"
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Application of the theorem of change of kinetic energy to studying of the movement of mechanical system : tasks and methodical instructions for performing calculated graphic works on a course "Theoretical mechanic" for students of a specialty 1-70 02 01 "Industrial and civil engineering"
(BrSTU, 2017)The theoretical mechanics is one of the main all-technical disciplines which are the base for studying of special disciplines and training of the qualified, engineers of technical specialties. For acquirement of Skills of engineering calculations students perform calculated graphic works on the main ...2022-09-28
Laboratory works on resistance of materials : for students day studies faculty of industrial and civil engineering. Part 1
(BrSTU, 2017)When studying resistance of materials the experiment plays extremely important role. It gives the chance to receive the mechanical characteristics of materials necessary for creation of the theory of calculations on strength. With the help of the experiment the check of theoretical conclusions and ...2022-09-22
Research the movement of the mechanical system by means of the principle of d'alembert lagrange : tasks and methodical instructions for performing calculated graphic works on a course "Theoretical mechanic" for students of a specialty 1-70 02 01 "Industrial and civil engineering"
(BrSTU, 2017)The theoretical mechanics is one of the main all-technical disciplines which are the base for studying of special disciplines and training of the qualified engineers of technical specialties. For acquirement of skills of engineering calculations students perform calculated graphic works on the main ...2022-09-23
Some problems to solve at practical classes in physics. "Mechanics and Molecular Physics"
(BrSTU, 2020)The methodical instructions presented here are compiled in accordance with the curriculum of physics course. The guidance aims to facilitate students understanding of various physical processes in Mechanics and Molecular Physics. The instructions are meant for students of all technical specialties and ...2021-04-23