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Просмотр по автору "Пахунова, И. Н."
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Закономерности распространения лесов на возвышенных ландшафтах Беларуси
Пахунова, И. Н. (БрГТУ, 2017)The paper concentrates on definition of ecological status of sublime landscapes of Belarus depending on their systematic position – the relationship to the genera and subgenera of landscapes.2021-03-11
Лесистость природно-территориальных комплексов Беларуси
Пахунова, И. Н. (БрГТУ, 2019)The article discusses forest cover of regional geosystems, as well as landscape classification units of Belarus. Maximum forest cover is characteristic of water-glacial landscapes with lakes, alluvial-terraced and secondary water-glacial landscapes.2020-09-07