Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Взаимосвязь психологии и экономики 

      Марчук, Анна Васильевна; Прилуцкая, Надежда Анатольевна (Житомирский государственный технологический университет, 2018)
      Currently, there are many economic laws and regularities, but no one will ever be able to accurately and confidently predict whether a product will be sold, what its modification is preferred by the consumer and how the demand changes in the nearest Time. Economics as a special discipline always ...


    • Рынок юридических бизнес-услуг в Республике Беларусь: особенности и тенденции развития 

      Прилуцкая, Надежда Анатольевна (Житомирский государственный технологический университет, 2015)
      The article describes specific properties of legal business services, organizational and legal forms of providing those services in the Republic of Belarus; the main tendencies of demand and segmentation of this type of services as well as problematic aspects of projecting the outcomes and quality control.
