Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Social entrepreneurship in Belgium 

      Stankevich, Daria Vladimirovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article addresses the issues of social entrepreneurship in Belgium. It examines the main organizational forms of social enterprises operating in that country, analyzes statistical data on the number of employees in the industry and the number of enterprises over the period of 2008 to 2017, compares ...


    • Social responsibility of innovative activity of an enterprise and its assessment in financial accounting 

      Yurchik, Vera Ivanovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The article deals with the problem of social responsibility of the innovative activity of the enterprise. The article presents a methodology for assessing the level of social development of an enterprise on the basis of a collective agreement, as well as the impact on the indicators of financial ...


    • Social work education – teaching human rights theoretical reflections – experiences – invitation to exchange about it 

      Graça, André; Walz, Hans (БрГТУ, 2006)
      Graça, A. Social work education – teaching human rights theoretical reflections – experiences – invitation to exchange about it / A. Graça, H. Walz // Системная трансформация общества: исторический опыт и современность : сборник научных трудов кафедр социально-гуманитарных наук / Министерство образования ...


    • Societal transformation in CEE countries: case studies from Poland 

      Hines, М. (БрГТУ, 2011)
      Hines, М. Societal transformation in CEE countries: case studies from Poland / М. Hines // Системная трансформация общества: инновации и традиции : сборник научных трудов кафедр социально-гуманитарных наук / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ...


    • Soft Computing as a solution to Time/ Cost Distributor 

      Nabil M. Hewahi (BrSTU, 2006)
      In this paper we present a theoretical model based on soft computing to distribute the time/cost among the industry/machine sensors or effectors based on the type of the application. One of the most unstudied significant work is to recognize which sensor in an industry for example has higher priority ...


    • Soil moisture dynamic at the recultivated Plėgiai landfill at Lithuania 

      Grybauskiene, Vilda; Ščiučka, Vaidotas (БрГТУ, 2019)
      В настоящее время захоронение отходов является основным методом утилизации твердых отходов. Эксплуатация современных свалок муниципальных отходов в Литве началась в 2007 году. Все посаженные деревья на рекультивированном полигоне должны быть орошены в течение первых 3 лет после пересадки. Для его ...


    • Some approaches to line detection on a task of line-following 

      Kaliukhovich, Dzmitry; Golovko, Vladimir; Paczynski, Andreas (БрГТУ, 2007)
      Kaliukhovich, D. Some approaches to line detection on a task of line-following / D. Kaliukhovich, V. Golovko, A. Paczynski // Современные проблемы математики и вычислительной техники : материалы V Республиканской научной конференции молодых ученых и студентов, Брест, 28–30 ноября 2007 года / Министерство ...


    • Some Aspects of Chaotic Time Series Analysis 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Savitsky, Yury; Maniakov, Nikolaj; Rubanov, Vladimir (BSUIR, 2001)
      We address two aspects in chaotic time series analysis, namely the definition of embedding parameters and the largest Lyapunov exponent. It is necessary for performing state space reconstruction and identification of chaotic behavior. For the first aspect, we examine the mutual information for ...


    • Some aspects of the addressee factor when developing e-learning language courses 

      Nuretdzinava, Antanina (БрГТУ, 2020)
      Nuretdzinava, A. Some aspects of the addressee factor when developing e-learning language courses / A. Nuretdzinava // Enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus = Совершенствование непрерывного образования в Республике Беларусь : proceedings of the final conference on the Erasmus+ project, Brest, ...


    • Some Methods of Adaptive Multilayer Neural Network Training 

      Maniakov, Nikolaj; Makhnist, Leonid; Rubanov, Vladimir (BSUIR, 2003)
      Is proposed two new techniques for multilayer neural networks training. Its basic concept is based on the gradient descent method. For every methodic are showed formulas for calculation of the adaptive training steps. Matrix algorithmizations for all of these techniques are very helpful in its program ...


    • Some Methods of Adaptive Multilayer Neural Networks Training 

      Makhnist, Leonid; Maniakov, Nikolaj; Rubanov, Vladimir (2004)
      Is proposed two new techniques for multilayer neural networks training. Its basic concept is based on the gradient descent method. For every methodic are showed formulas for calculation of the adaptive training steps. Presented matrix algorithmizations for all of these techniques are very helpful ...


    • Some problems to solve at practical classes in physics. "Mechanics and Molecular Physics" 

      Кушнер, Татьяна Леонидовна; Гладыщук, Анатолий Антонович; Борушко, Марина Викторовна; Буслюк, Виктор Вячеславович (BrSTU, 2020)
      The methodical instructions presented here are compiled in accordance with the curriculum of physics course. The guidance aims to facilitate students understanding of various physical processes in Mechanics and Molecular Physics. The instructions are meant for students of all technical specialties and ...


    • Some remarks about chemical prestressing of FRP reinforce-ment 

      Tur, Victor Vladimirovich (BrSTU, 2021)
      In last years has been observed a new wave of interest in the research and practical use of self-stressing concrete, now in combination with various types of non-traditional reinforcement. One of the widely used types of these reinforcements is FRP bars and long fibers (textile). We connect the major ...


    • Sources and directions for developing 3PL logistics provider functions in the modern supply chain 

      Vakulich, Natalya Alexandrovna (БрГТУ, 2021)
      The main point of the article is that logistics, in order to provide the world economy with its two major functions, service and integration, creates an objective need for changes in its own institutional settings of activity. Based on reports and references, the author of the article has analyzed the ...


    • Spatial and economic development of regions-movement in one direction 

      Kuhan, S. F.; Radchuk, A. P. (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського ; Політехніка, 2020)
      Kuhan, S. F. Spatial and economic development of regions-movement in one direction / S. F. Kuhan, A. P. Radchuk // Мiжнародне науково-технiчне спiвробiтництво: принципи, механiзми, ефективнiсть : збiрник наукових праць XVI (XXVIII) Мiжнароднай науково-практичної конференції, Київ, 12-1З березня 2020 ...


    • Spatial and economic development of regions-movement in one direction 

      Куган, Светлана Федоровна; Радчук, Анатолий Петрович (КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2020)
      Kuhan, S. F. Spatial and economic development of regions-movement in one direction / S. F. Kuhan, A. P. Radchuk // Міжнародне науково-технічне співробітництво: принципи, механізми, ефективність : зб. наук. пр. XVI (XXVIII) Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 12-13 березня 2020 р. / Національний технічний ...


    • Spatial and temporal variability of the surface river runoff in Belarus 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Parfomuk, Sergei Ivanovich; Sidak, Svetlana Vasilievna (BrSTU, 2022)
      An assessment of changes in the surface river runoff of Belarus in modern conditions is given. Significant negative trends were found for the series of the percentage of surface runoff in the total volume of annual runoff for the period 1948−2017. The greatest decrease in surface runoff is observed ...


    • Spatial development of territories in the context of economic development of the region 

      Kugan, S. F. (ФГБОУ ВО "Сыктывкарский государственный университет им. Питирима Сорокина", 2020)
      The existing problems of the territories socio-economic development and the search for ways to solve them are becom-ing the subject of research of an increasing number of scientists and specialists in regional development. Studying the main issues of the territories spatial development allows focusing ...


    • Spatial development of territories: cross-border aspect 

      Zazerskaya, Victoria Vasilievna (BrSTU, 2021)
      The work assesses innovative processes as the basis of spatial development of territories. Activating innovative processes that contribute to the development of regions. The characteristics of forms and factors of cross-border cooperation are given. The transport industry and construction have been ...


    • Spectral analysis of water level fluctuations in Belarusian and Polish lakes 

      Volchak, Aleksander; Choiński, Adam; Kirviel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Siergiej (Sciendo, 2017)
      Data regarding 25 lakes (9 Belarusian and 16 Polish) provided the basis for spectral analysis of water level fluctuations. The obtained output data concerned a 55-year observation sequence covering the years 1956–2010. The selection of lakes was determined by two factors, i.e. data continuity and ...
