Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Analysis of Lake Water Levels Fluctuations in Poland and Belarus 

      Choiński, Adam; Volchak, Aleksander; Kirvel, Ivan; Parfomuk, Sergey; Sidak, Svetlana; Kirvel, Pavel (SGGW Water Center, 2020)
      On the basis of the mean volume of annual water levels for 25 lakes (9 Belarusian and 16 Polish) in the period of 55 years (1956-2010) the spectral time analysis of water levels fluctuations has been executed. The spectral time analysis included two parts: analysis based on calculating the variance ...


    • Analysis of the non-linear methods for foundation settlement anessment 

      Shalobyta, Tatiana Petrovna; Poita, Petr Stepanovich; Shvedovsky, Petr Vladimirovich; Klebanyuk, Dmitry Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article discusses methods for calculating foundation settlement based on various approaches to solutions of the theory of limit equilibrium. The analysis of foundation settlement calculations in the linear and nonlinear stages of the subsoil reaction according to the Belarusian and Russian regulatory ...


    • Analysis of the strain-stress state of the bend-ing continuous RC-beams with hybrid reinforcement in the tensile zone under intermediate support 

      Hil, Arthur Ivanovich; Lazouski, Egor Dmitrievich (BrSTU, 2021)
      The article considers the proposed model describing the stress-strain state of bent statically indeterminate reinforced concrete beams with combined reinforcement (the joint arrangement of metal and composite rods) of the stretched zone of the central support section, based on the positions of the ...


    • Analysis of the technical condition of reclaimed lands and drainage structures 

      Grybauskiene, V.; Vyciene, G.; Miksta, D. (БрГТУ, 2017)
      В статье анализируется техническое состояние рекультивированных земельных и дренажных сооружений в Литве. В статье анализируются состояние освоенных земель, основных и защитных рвов. В статье рассматривается не только состояние мелиоративных структур, но и основные причины ухудшения и износа. В статье ...


    • Analysis of water resources in Belarus in view of climate changes 

      Kirvel, Ivan I.; Volchak, Alexander A.; Parfomuk, Siarhei I.; Kirvel, Pavel I.; Machambietova, Rosa (Pomeranian University, 2018)
      The surface water resources of Belarus for the period 1956-2015 were specified. The redistribution of water resources in the basins of the main rivers and administrative regions was investigated. The refined map of the Belarusian river runoff has been built. Runoff forecasts for 11 rivers in the Neman ...


    • Analytical model for restraint strains and self-stressed in expansive concrete filled steel tubes (ecfst) estimation 

      Tur, Viktar V.; Duda, Radoslaw; Khmaruk, Dina; Basav, Viktar (БрГТУ, 2020)
      In this paper, a modified strains development model (MSDM) for expansive concrete-filled steel tube (ECFST) was formulated and verified on the experimental data, obtained from testing specimens on the expansion stage. The modified strain development model for restraint strains and self-stresses ...


    • Anforderungen der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) an die Durchgängigkeit von Fließgewässern 

      Nuding, Anton (БрГТУ, 2009)
      Nuding, A. Die EU-wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) forderungen hinsichtlich durchgängigkeit von flieβgewässern = Требования Водной рамочной директивы ЕС в отношении непрерывности водотоков / Anton Nuding // Перспективы развития новых технологий в строительстве и подготовке инженерных кадров Республики ...


    • Anisotropy of strength and elastic characteristics during compression of masonry of historical buildings 

      Halaliuk, Anton Vladimirovich; Derkach, Valery Nikolaevich (БрГТУ, 2023)
      The article presents analytical dependences for calculating the compressive strength and elastic modulus of masonry made of ceramic solid bricks under axial uniaxial compression at arbitrary an-gles to horizontal mortar joints of masonry. Satisfactory agreement of experimental and theoretical values ...


    • Anomalies of Reflection of Acoustic Pulses from Boundary with Strong Dissipatiye Medium 

      Kostiuk, Dmitriy; Kuzavko, Y. A. (BPI, 1999)
      In given work the longitudinal acoustic waves reflection from boundary of a solid body with dissipative liquid theoretically is considered. The essential dependence of factor of signal reflection and its phase from factor of absorption of ultrasound in dissipative medium is shown. The experimental ...


    • Applet for taylor series 

      Kalita, E.; Grigoruk, A. (БрГТУ, 2020)
      Kalita, E. Applet for taylor series / E. Kalita, A. Grigoruk // Сборник конкурсных научных работ студентов и магистрантов : в 2 частях / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; редкол.: Н. Н. Шалобыта [и др.]. – Брест : БрГТУ, 2020. – Часть 1 ...


    • Applet for the geometric Interpretation of the derivative 

      Rakhlei, V. (BrSTU, 2019)
      Rakhlei, V. Applet for the geometric Interpretation of the derivative / V. Rakhlei // Collection of competitive scientific works of students and undergraduates : in 2 parts / Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Brest State Technical University; Editorial: N. N. Shalobyta [et al.]. – Брест ...


    • Application of algorithms for searching motion in the frame for the detection of vehicles 

      Anfilets, Sergei Viktorovich; Kasyanik, Valerii Victorovich; Shuts, Vasilii Nikolaevich (BSUIR, 2011)
      In the paper discusses methods for detecting moving objects in the video stream. It is proposed combined algorithm applied to the detection of vehicles. The results of testing under real conditions revealed a fairly high percentage of detection in order to be able to apply it in the detectors of transport.


    • Application of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Renewable Aggregates in Concrete Structures 

      Юй, Хаосюань; Ван, Сяньпэн; Ковшар, Сергей Николаевич (БрГТУ, 2023)
      Юй, Хаосюань Application of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Renewable Aggregates in Concrete Structures / Хаосюань Юй, Сяньпэн Ван, С. Н. Ковшар // Теория и практика исследований, проектирования и САПР в строительстве = Research, design & cad in construction: theory and practice : сборник статей VI ...


    • Application of Genetic Algorithms for Solutions of the Task Is Frequent – Territorial Plannings Group Radio Electronic Equipment 

      Kulaga, V. V.; Muravjev, S. A.; Spiridonov, S. V.; Telyatnikov, R. V. (BPI, 1999)
      One from the important problems, is a problem of limited frequencyТs number between radio electronic equipment's (REE) within large group. It is necessary that all REE may operate with specific correlation of signal-noise (interference) on boundaries of their service's zones, сon sideling of electromagnetic ...


    • Application of quantitative assessment based on fuzzy logic rules to the technical condition of existing structures 

      Tur, Victor Vladimirovich; Dardziuk, Yulia Sergeevna (БрГТУ, 2023)
      Approaches based on the use of fuzzy logic concepts provide effective solutions to problems containing uncertainties present in the assessment of existing buildings. The article presents the principle of development and implementation of quantitative assessment of the technical condition of existing ...


    • Application of the theorem of change of kinetic energy to studying of the movement of mechanical system : tasks and methodical instructions for performing calculated graphic works on a course "Theoretical mechanic" for students of a specialty 1-70 02 01 "Industrial and civil engineering" 

      Sazonov, Mikhail Ivanovich; Zheltkovich, Andrey Evgenievich; Veremeichik, Andrey Ivanovich (BrSTU, 2017)
      The theoretical mechanics is one of the main all-technical disciplines which are the base for studying of special disciplines and training of the qualified, engineers of technical specialties. For acquirement of Skills of engineering calculations students perform calculated graphic works on the main ...


    • Applying Kalman filter for the task of the biometric data time series unification 

      Shulgan, A. A. (БрГТУ, 2022)
      The use of the recursive Kalman filter for restoring missed values and time series frequency unification is discussed for the use case of biometric data collected from the user grade devices to monitor the mental and physical load on the user while working with some software or hardware product. ...


    • Applying Natural Computation to Real World Business – Selected Highlights from Cercia 

      Frayn, Colin M. (BrSTU, 2006)
      Bringing cutting-edge natural computation research into industry is a challenging task, with numerous obstacles to overcome. In this paper I describe a few selected projects that we have developed at the Centre of Excellence for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (Cercia) and I ...


    • Approaches to estimate the socio-economic risks caused by the river flood 

      Volchak, Aliaksandr Aliaksandrovich; Kostiuk, Dmitriy; Petrov, Dmitriy; Sheshko, Nikolay Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2022)
      The issues of forecasting damage caused by flooding of anthropogenically transformed territories in a river floodplain of a plain type are considered based on the case of the floodplain of the Pripyat River. A method of spatial analysis of the level of the territory usage and the depth/duration of ...


    • Architecture of Computer Vision Software System 

      Ivkin, A.; Doudkin, A.; Sadykhov, R. (BPI, 1999)
      The software o f the Computer vision systems is complicated. The authors discuss the principles of Computer vision systems organization and propose the architecture for such software system.
