Поиск по всему репозиторию:

    • Classification of handwritten signatures based on boundary tracing 

      Adamski, Marcin; Saeed, KhaIid (BrSTU, 2006)
      The paper presents a system for offline classification of handwritten signatures. The algorithm is based on boundary tracing technique for extracting characteristic features. Outer and inner boundaries are treated separately. The upper and lower parts of the boundaries are extracted to form two sequences ...


    • Classification of regional competitiveness factors 

      Flyachinskaya, Natalia Nikolaevna (КГУ, 2022)
      The current stage of economic development is characterized by increased competition at all levels, including the regional one. The problem of increasing the level of competitiveness of the region is constantly in the spotlight, since in a market economy it is competitiveness that is the catalyst for ...


    • Clients’ Databases With in Management of Service Enterprise 

      Widawska-Stanisz, Agnieszka (БрГТУ, 2006)
      Widawska-Stanisz, A. Clients’ Databases With in Management of Service Enterprise / Agnieszka Widawska-Stanisz // Повышение эффективности интегрированного управления на предприятиях Центральной и Восточной Европы : [коллективная монография] / Брестский государственный технический университет, Ченстоховский ...


    • Comparative Analysis of Neural Networks and Statistical Approaches to Remote Sensing Image Classification 

      Kussul, Nataliya; Skakun, Serhiy; Kussul, OIga (BrSTU, 2006)
      This paper examines different approaches to remote sensing images classification. Included in the study are statistical approach, namely Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier, and two different neural networks paradigms: multilayer pcreeptron trained with EDBD algorithm, and ARTMAP neural network. ...


    • Comparative analysis of the calculation of the stress intensity factor from the results of equilibrium and non-equilibrium tests 

      Sadovskaya, Elena Alexandrovna; Leonovich, Sergey Nikolaevich (BrSTU, 2022)
      This article explores the practical use of methods for determining the stress intensity factor at normal separation: eccentric compression of notched cubes and four-point bending of a notched beam. During non-equilibrium tests, the stress intensity factor value was calculated from the value of the ...


    • Comparative Study of Social and Professional Values of Modern Teachers with Various Pedagogical Experience (the Case of Russia and Belarus) 

      Drozdikova-Zaripova, Albina R.; Kalatskaya, Natalya N.; Zhigalova, Maria (Kazan Federal University, 2019)
      The paper investigated the changing system of values and value orientations of teachers belonging to different generations and cultures in the context of variability in globalization processes. The paper is aimed to identify cross-cultural features of social-professional values and value orientations ...


    • Competence-centered tasks as means of student's key competence formation 

      Orlova, V. F. (БрГТУ, 2019)
      The article is devoted to competence-centered tasks as anefficient means of key competence formation due to the implementation of competence approach as a methodological basis into the educational process of teaching English. Attention is drawn to the requirements and the structure of such tasks. ...


    • Competition and Market of Science and Technology Products 

      Markau, Andrei; Четырбок, Наталья Петровна (HEILONGJIANG SCIENCE, 2021)
      The research clarifies the target function of science and technology product market, reveals the characteristics of science and technology product selling, and competition relationship type of main participants in the science and technology market, and expounds the competition relationship of the ...


    • Complex-analytic methods for the study of the effective conductivity of composite materials 

      Rogosin, Sergei; Dubatovskaya, Marina; Makaruk, Svetlana; Pesetskaya, Ekaterina (University of Aveiro, 2005)
      The effective conductivity of 2D composite materials is discussed on the base of the complex-analytic methods. Main attention is paid to the application of the methods of boundary value problems for harmonic and analytic functions and functional equations for composite materials having multiply ...


    • Composition and properties of condensate of liquid pyrolysis products of wood waste 

      Valeevaa., R. (БрГТУ, 2022)
      Valeevaa., R. Composition and properties of condensate of liquid pyrolysis products of wood waste / R. Valeevaa. ; науч. рук. G. M. Bikbulatova // Современные проблемы природопользования и природообустройства : сборник тезисов докладов Международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых, ...


    • Computer construction of the general solution of the special form of the Abel differential equation 

      Чичурин, Александр Вячеславович; Stepaniuk, G. P. (БрГТУ, 2015)
      The computer method of building a general solution of the special form for the nonlinear differential equation of the second order and the Abel differential equation of the first kind is considered. Three examples which contain the solutions of the initial problem are presented. The module allowing ...


    • Computer Modeling the Excitonic Reflection and Photoluminescence Spectra of GaN Epitaxial Layers 

      Rakovich, Y.; Tarasjuk, N. P.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Lucenko, E. V.; Yablonskii, G. P.; Heuken, M.; Heime, K. (BPI, 1999)
      Photoluminescence (PL) and reflection excitonic spectra o f GaN single layer grown on sapphire substrate by MOVPE were modeled with aim to estimate a basie parameters o f free A- and B- excitons. The calculations were performed in the frame o f two-oscillator model for dielectric function e(E). Three ...


    • Computer Network Security Approach Based on Multi-Agent Dynamic Recognition 

      Vaitsekhovich, Leanid (BrSTU, 2015)
      Vaitsekhovich, L. Computer Network Security Approach Based on Multi-Agent Dynamic Recognition / L. Vaitsekhovich // Modern problems of mathematics and computer engineering : a collection of materials of the IX Republican scientific conference of young scientists and students, Brest, November 19–21, ...


    • Computer notions. English reader for students in computer-related fields. Тексты для чтения на английском языке по специальости Т.10.01.00 и Т.10.03.00 

      Жданов, Александр Алексеевич; Гриб, Владимир Николаевич; Иванова, Наталья Андреевна (БПИ, 2000)
      Содержит систематизированный текстовый материал на английском языке в объеме около 100 т. печ. знаков для развития навыков чтения литературы по специальности. Для студентов первого курса специальностей «Автоматизированные системы обработки информации» и «Вычислительные системы и сети», продолжающих ...


    • Computer regulation of the condition reserves contours 

      Ракишев, Баян; Ашаев, Юрий Павлович; Имашев, Жанатай (1998)
      For the compound-structural multi-component deposits one of the most laborious problems at the stage of initial treatment of geological information is the picking of the conditional intersections – the aggregate of deposed consecutively samples. The last ones must answer the demanded conditional ...


    • Computer-aided technique for defect and project rules inspection on PCB layout image 

      Doudkin, Alexander; Inyutin, Alexander (BrSTU, 2006)
      A technique o f PCB layout optical inspection based on image comparison and mathematical morphology methods is proposed. The unique feature of the technique is that the inspection is performed at different stages of image processing. The presence of all layout elements is checked up, then positions ...


    • Computing of Lyapunov Exponents Techniques Using Neural Networks 

      Golovko, Vladimir; Savitsky, Yury (BSUIR, 2003)
      The authors examine neural network techniques for computing of Lyapunov spectrum using observations from unknown dynamical system. Such an approach is based on applying of multilayer perceptron (MLP) for forecasting the next state of dynamical system from the previous one. It allows for evaluating the ...


    • Concept of COMPASSION in Modem English 

      Tarasiuk, О. V. (БрГТУ, 2015)
      Tarasiuk, О. V. Concept of COMPASSION in Modem English / О. V. Tarasiuk // Профессиональная иноязычная подготовка специалистов в вузе: опыт, проблемы, перспективы : сборник научных статей / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; под общ. ред. ...


    • Concept of WAR in B. Obama Political Speeches 

      Khudoliy, A. A. (БрГТУ, 2015)
      Khudoliy, A. A. Concept of WAR in B. Obama Political Speeches / A. A. Khudoliy // Профессиональная иноязычная подготовка специалистов в вузе: опыт, проблемы, перспективы : сборник научных статей / Министерство образования Республики Беларусь, Брестский государственный технический университет ; под ...


    • Concepts of neuromarketing and guidelines for conducting neuromarketing research 

      Grigaliünaitė, V.; Pilelienė, L. (Альтернатива, 2017)
      Grigaliünaitė, V. Concepts of neuromarketing and guidelines for conducting neuromarketing research / V. Grigaliünaitė, L. Pilelienė // Инновации: от теории к практике : VI Международная научно-практическая конференция, Брест, 5–7 октября 2017 г. : сборник научных статей / Министерство образования ...
